OutOfMemory and GDI + sometimes not at all OutOfMemory

During the last project at work, my colleague and I were faced with the fact that some methods and constructors in System.Drawing fall from OutOfMemory in completely ordinary places, and when there is a lot of free memory.

The essence of the problem

For example, take this C # code:

using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; namespace TempProject { static class Program { static void Main() { var point1 = new PointF(-3.367667E-16f, 0f); var point2 = new PointF(3.367667E-16f, 100f); var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(point1, point2, Color.White, Color.Black); } } } 

When the last line is executed, the OutOfMemoryException exception is guaranteed, regardless of how much free memory is available. Moreover, if you replace 3.367667E-16f and -3.367667E-16f by 0, which is very close to the truth, everything will work fine - the fill will be created. In my opinion, this behavior looks strange. Let's see why this happens and how to deal with it.

We find out the causes of the disease

Let's start by finding out what is happening in the LinearGradientBrush constructor. To do this, you can look at referencesource.microsoft.com . There will be the following:

 public LinearGradientBrush(PointF point1, PointF point2, Color color1, Color color2) { IntPtr brush = IntPtr.Zero; int status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipCreateLineBrush( new GPPOINTF(point1), new GPPOINTF(point2), color1.ToArgb(), color2.ToArgb(), (int)WrapMode.Tile, out brush ); if (status != SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.Ok) throw SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.StatusException(status); SetNativeBrushInternal(brush); } 

It's easy to see that the most important thing here is calling the GDI + method of the GdipCreateLineBrush. Hence, it is necessary to watch what is happening inside it. To do this, use IDA + HexRays. Let's load gdiplus.dll into IDA. If you need to determine which version of the library to debug, then you can use Process Explorer from SysInternals. In addition, there may be problems with the rights to the folder where gdiplus.dll lies. They are solved by changing the owner of this folder.

So, open gdiplus.dll in IDA. Wait for the file processing. After that, select in the menu: View → Open Subviews → Exports to open all the functions that are exported from this library, and find GdipCreateLineBrush there.

Thanks to the loading of symbols, the power of HexRays and documentation , you can easily translate method code from assembler to readable C ++ code:

 GpStatus __userpurge GdipCreateLineBrush@<eax>(int a1@<edi>, GpPointF *point1, GpPointF *point2, int color1, int color2, int wrapMode, GpRectGradient **result) { GpStatus status; // esi MAPDST GpGradientBrush *v8; // eax GpRectGradient *v9; // eax int v12; // [esp+4h] [ebp-Ch] int vColor1; // [esp+8h] [ebp-8h] int vColor2; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-4h] FPUStateSaver::FPUStateSaver(&v12, 1); EnterCriticalSection(&GdiplusStartupCriticalSection::critSec); if ( Globals::LibraryInitRefCount > 0 ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&GdiplusStartupCriticalSection::critSec); if ( result && point1 && point2 && wrapMode != 4 ) { vColor1 = color1; vColor2 = color2; v8 = operator new(a1); status = 0; if ( v8 ) v9 = GpLineGradient::GpLineGradient(v8, point1, point2, &vColor1, &vColor2, wrapMode); else v9 = 0; *result = v9; if ( !CheckValid<GpHatch>(result) ) status = OutOfMemory; } else { status = InvalidParameter; } } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&GdiplusStartupCriticalSection::critSec); status = GdiplusNotInitialized; } __asm { fclex } return status; } 

The code of this method is absolutely clear. Its essence lies in the lines:

 if ( result && point1 && point2 && wrapMode != 4 ) { vColor1 = color1; vColor2 = color2; v8 = operator new(a1); status = 0; if ( v8 ) v9 = GpLineGradient::GpLineGradient(v8, point1, point2, &vColor1, &vColor2, wrapMode); else v9 = 0; *result = v9; if ( !CheckValid<GpHatch>(result) ) status = OutOfMemory } else { status = InvalidParameter; } 

GdiPlus checks if the input parameters are correct, and, if not, returns an InvalidParameter. Otherwise, GpLineGradient is created and checked for validity. If validation fails, OutOfMemory is returned. Apparently, this is our case, and, therefore, we need to figure out what is happening inside the GpLineGradient constructor:

GpLineGradient :: GpLineGradient
 GpRectGradient *__thiscall GpLineGradient::GpLineGradient(GpGradientBrush *this, GpPointF *point1, GpPointF *point2, int color1, int color2, int wrapMode) { GpGradientBrush *v6; // esi float height; // ST2C_4 double v8; // st7 float width; // ST2C_4 float angle; // ST2C_4 GpRectF rect; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-10h] v6 = this; GpGradientBrush::GpGradientBrush(this); GpRectGradient::DefaultBrush(v6); rect.Height = 0.0; rect.Width = 0.0; rect.Y = 0.0; rect.X = 0.0; *v6 = &GpLineGradient::`vftable; if ( LinearGradientRectFromPoints(point1, point2, &rect) ) { *(v6 + 1) = 1279869254; } else { height = point2->Y - point1->Y; v8 = height; width = point2->X - point1->X; angle = atan2(v8, width) * 180.0 / 3.141592653589793; GpLineGradient::SetLineGradient(v6, point1, point2, &rect, color1, color2, angle, 0, wrapMode); } return v6; } 

Here is the initialization of variables, which are then filled in LinearGradientRectFromPoints and SetLineGradient. I dare to assume that rect is a fill rectangle based on point1 and point2, to make sure of this, you can look at LinearGradientRectFromPoints:

 GpStatus __fastcall LinearGradientRectFromPoints(GpPointF *p1, GpPointF *p2, GpRectF *result) { double vP1X; // st7 float vLeft; // ST1C_4 MAPDST double vP1Y; // st7 float vTop; // ST1C_4 MAPDST float vWidth; // ST18_4 MAPDST double vWidth3; // st7 float vHeight; // ST18_4 MAPDST float vP2X; // [esp+18h] [ebp-8h] float vP2Y; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-4h] if ( IsClosePointF(p1, p2) ) return InvalidParameter; vP2X = p2->X; vP1X = p1->X; if ( vP2X <= vP1X ) vP1X = vP2X; vLeft = vP1X; result->X = vLeft; vP2Y = p2->Y; vP1Y = p1->Y; if ( vP2Y <= vP1Y ) vP1Y = vP2Y; vTop = vP1Y; result->Y = vTop; vWidth = p1->X - p2->X; vWidth = fabs(vWidth); vWidth3 = vWidth; result->Width = vWidth; vHeight = p1->Y - p2->Y; vHeight = fabs(vHeight); result->Height = vHeight; vWidth = vWidth3; if ( IsCloseReal(p1->X, p2->X) ) { result->X = vLeft - 0.5 * vHeight; result->Width = vHeight; vWidth = vHeight; } if ( IsCloseReal(p1->Y, p2->Y) ) { result->Y = vTop - vWidth * 0.5; result->Height = vWidth; } return 0; } 

As expected, rect is a rectangle of points1 and point2.

Now back to our main problem and see what happens inside SetLineGradient:

 GpStatus __thiscall GpLineGradient::SetLineGradient(DpGradientBrush *this, GpPointF *p1, GpPointF *p2, GpRectF *rect, int color1, int color2, float angle, int zero, int wrapMode) { _DWORD *v10; // edi float *v11; // edi GpStatus v12; // esi _DWORD *v14; // edi this->wrapMode = wrapMode; v10 = &this->dword40; this->Color1 = *color1; this->Color2 = *color2; this->Color11 = *color1; this->Color21 = *color2; this->dwordB0 = 0; this->float98 = 1.0; this->dwordA4 = 1; this->dwordA0 = 1; this->float94 = 1.0; this->dwordAC = 0; if ( CalcLinearGradientXform(zero, rect, angle, &this->gap4[16]) ) { *this->gap4 = 1279869254; *v10 = 0; v14 = v10 + 1; *v14 = 0; ++v14; *v14 = 0; v14[1] = 0; *&this[1].gap4[12] = 0; *&this[1].gap4[16] = 0; *&this[1].gap4[20] = 0; *&this[1].gap4[24] = 0; *&this->gap44[28] = 0; v12 = InvalidParameter; } else { *this->gap4 = 1970422321; *v10 = LODWORD(rect->X); v11 = (v10 + 1); *v11 = rect->Y; ++v11; *v11 = rect->Width; v11[1] = rect->Height; *&this->gap44[28] = zero; v12 = 0; *&this[1].gap4[12] = *p1; *&this[1].gap4[20] = *p2; } return v12; } 

In SetLineGradient, only fields are initialized. So, we need to go deeper:

 int __fastcall CalcLinearGradientXform(int zero, GpRectF *rect, float angle, int a4) { //... //... //... return GpMatrix::InferAffineMatrix(a4, points, rect) != OK ? InvalidParameter : OK; } 

And finally:

 GpStatus __thiscall GpMatrix::InferAffineMatrix(int this, GpPointF *points, GpRectF *rect) { //... double height; // st6 double y; // st5 double width; // st4 double x; // st3 double bottom; // st2 float right; // ST3C_4 float rectArea; // ST3C_4 //... x = rect->X; y = rect->Y; width = rect->Width; height = rect->Height; right = x + width; bottom = height + y; rectArea = bottom * right - x * y - (y * width + x * height); rectArea = fabs(rectArea); if ( rectArea < 0.00000011920929 ) return InvalidParameter; //... } 

In the InferAffineMatrix method, exactly what interests us is happening. Here the rect area is checked - the original rectangle of the points, and if it is less than 0.00000011920929, then the InferAffineMatrix returns an InvalidParameter. 0.00000011920929 is a machine epsilon for float (FLT_EPSILON). You can see how interesting Microsoft considers the area of ​​a rectangle:

 rectArea = bottom * right - x * y - (y * width + x * height); 

From the area to the lower right corner, subtract the area to the upper left, then subtract the area above the rectangle and to the left of the rectangle. Why this is done, I do not understand; I hope someday I will come to know this secret method.

So, what we have:

It turns out that Microsoft for some reason ignores the return status of some methods, makes because of this incorrect assumptions and complicates the understanding of the work of the library for other programmers. But after all, it was necessary to forward the status higher from the GpLineGradient constructor, and in GdipCreateLineBrush, check the return value on OK and otherwise return the constructor status. Then for GDI + users, an error message that occurred inside the library would look more logical.

The option of replacing very small numbers with zero, i.e. Vertically filled, runs without error due to the magic that Microsoft performs in the LinearGradientRectFromPoints method on lines 35 through 45:

 if ( IsCloseReal(p1->X, p2->X) ) { result->X = vLeft - 0.5 * vHeight; result->Width = vHeight; vWidth = vHeight; } if ( IsCloseReal(p1->Y, p2->Y) ) { result->Y = vTop - vWidth * 0.5; result->Height = vWidth; } 

How to treat?

How to avoid this fall in the .NET code? The simplest and most obvious option is to compare the area of ​​the rectangle of points1 and point2 with FLT_EPSILON and not create a gradient if the area is smaller. But with this option, we will lose the information on the gradient, and an empty area will be drawn, which is not good. I see a more acceptable option, when the angle of the gradient fill is checked, and if it turns out that the fill is close to horizontal or vertical, then we set the same corresponding parameters for the points:

My C # solution
 static LinearGradientBrush CreateBrushSafely(PointF p1, PointF p2) { if(IsShouldNormalizePoints(p1, p2)) { if(!NormalizePoints(ref p1, ref p2)) return null; } var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(p1, p2, Color.White, Color.Black); return brush; } static bool IsShouldNormalizePoints(PointF p1, PointF p2) { float width = Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X); float height = Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y); return width * height < FLT_EPSILON && !(IsCloseFloat(p1.X, p2.X) || IsCloseFloat(p1.Y, p2.Y)); } static bool IsCloseFloat(float v1, float v2) { var t = v2 == 0.0f ? 1.0f : v2; return Math.Abs((v1 - v2) / t) < FLT_EPSILON; } static bool NormalizePoints(ref PointF p1, ref PointF p2) { const double twoDegrees = 0.03490658503988659153847381536977d; float width = Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X); float height = Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y); var angle = Math.Atan2(height, width); if (Math.Abs(angle) < twoDegrees) { p1.Y = p2.Y; return true; } if (Math.Abs(angle - Math.PI / 2) < twoDegrees) { p1.X = p2.X; return true; } return false; } 

And how are the competitors?

Let's find out what happens in Wine. To do this, look at the source code of Wine , line 306:

Wine's GdipCreateLineBrush
 /****************************************************************************** * GdipCreateLineBrush [GDIPLUS.@] */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateLineBrush(GDIPCONST GpPointF* startpoint, GDIPCONST GpPointF* endpoint, ARGB startcolor, ARGB endcolor, GpWrapMode wrap, GpLineGradient **line) { TRACE("(%s, %s, %x, %x, %d, %p)\n", debugstr_pointf(startpoint), debugstr_pointf(endpoint), startcolor, endcolor, wrap, line); if(!line || !startpoint || !endpoint || wrap == WrapModeClamp) return InvalidParameter; if (startpoint->X == endpoint->X && startpoint->Y == endpoint->Y) return OutOfMemory; *line = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(GpLineGradient)); if(!*line) return OutOfMemory; (*line)->brush.bt = BrushTypeLinearGradient; (*line)->startpoint.X = startpoint->X; (*line)->startpoint.Y = startpoint->Y; (*line)->endpoint.X = endpoint->X; (*line)->endpoint.Y = endpoint->Y; (*line)->startcolor = startcolor; (*line)->endcolor = endcolor; (*line)->wrap = wrap; (*line)->gamma = FALSE; (*line)->rect.X = (startpoint->X < endpoint->X ? startpoint->X: endpoint->X); (*line)->rect.Y = (startpoint->Y < endpoint->Y ? startpoint->Y: endpoint->Y); (*line)->rect.Width = fabs(startpoint->X - endpoint->X); (*line)->rect.Height = fabs(startpoint->Y - endpoint->Y); if ((*line)->rect.Width == 0) { (*line)->rect.X -= (*line)->rect.Height / 2.0f; (*line)->rect.Width = (*line)->rect.Height; } else if ((*line)->rect.Height == 0) { (*line)->rect.Y -= (*line)->rect.Width / 2.0f; (*line)->rect.Height = (*line)->rect.Width; } (*line)->blendcount = 1; (*line)->blendfac = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(REAL)); (*line)->blendpos = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(REAL)); if (!(*line)->blendfac || !(*line)->blendpos) { heap_free((*line)->blendfac); heap_free((*line)->blendpos); heap_free(*line); *line = NULL; return OutOfMemory; } (*line)->blendfac[0] = 1.0f; (*line)->blendpos[0] = 1.0f; (*line)->pblendcolor = NULL; (*line)->pblendpos = NULL; (*line)->pblendcount = 0; linegradient_init_transform(*line); TRACE("<-- %p\n", *line); return Ok; } 

Here is the only validation check of parameters:

 if(!line || !startpoint || !endpoint || wrap == WrapModeClamp) return InvalidParameter; 

Most likely, the following was written for compatibility with Windows:

 if (startpoint->X == endpoint->X && startpoint->Y == endpoint->Y) return OutOfMemory; 

And the rest is nothing interesting - the allocation of memory and filling the fields. From the source code, it becomes obvious that in Wine, the creation of a problematic gradient fill should be done without errors. And really - if you run the following program in Windows (I ran in Windows10x64)

Test program
 #include <Windows.h> #include "stdafx.h" #include <gdiplus.h> #include <iostream> #pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib") void CreateBrush(float x1, float x2) { Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush linGrBrush( Gdiplus::PointF(x1, -0.5f), Gdiplus::PointF(x2, 10.5f), Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0), Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); const int status = linGrBrush.GetLastStatus(); const char* result; if (status == 3) { result = "OutOfMemory"; } else { result = "Ok"; } std::cout << result << "\n"; } int main() { Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); Gdiplus::Graphics myGraphics(GetDC(0)); CreateBrush(-3.367667E-16f, 3.367667E-16f); CreateBrush(0, 0); return 0; } 

That in the Windows console will be:
and in Ubuntu with Wine:
It turns out that either I am doing something wrong, or Wine in this matter is more logical than Windows.


I really hope that I did not understand something and the behavior of GDI + is logical. True, it is not at all clear why Microsoft did just that. I have been digging into their other products a lot, and there are also some things that, in a decent society, would not have passed the Code Review.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412851/

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