Videos from Badoo Techleads Meetup # 3: delegation, onboarding, business and IT interviews

Hi, Habr!

We publish a video report about the third Badoo Techleads Meetup - a meeting of team leaders, department heads and CTO. Thanks to the speakers, guests and viewers of the broadcast!

Under the cut are slides and recordings of reports on building a business-oriented development (DomKlik), onboarding and delegation (Badoo), the interview process (Avito), and also recording a panel discussion on the developer interview with representatives from Yandex, Avito, Badoo and the Ins Ecosystem.

“How to build a business-oriented development. Experience DomKlik "

Alexey Kuzmin, Technical Director of the dwh- and data science teams

In DomKlik recently only developers and Product Owners have been working. How can a team of almost 250 people live without requirements, testing and other familiar processes and tools? It turned out quite convenient and easy. In his report, Alexey talks about the advantages and nuances of such a device.


“Welcome aboard: we introduce newcomers into service”

Andrey Gomenyuk, Team Lead (Badoo)

When a new employee comes out, the lead wants him to start the tasks as soon as possible and become an independent combat unit. Andrew told what steps to meet the newcomer should be done before starting work, on the first day and during the trial period, so that the adaptation was as painless as possible for business and for the team. He also shared the principles that guided the creation of QuickStart - our tool for beginners - and focused on the unobvious, but important nuances of onboarding.


“Delegation as a tool for a manager”

Ilya Ageev uyga , Engineering Director QA (Badoo)

Ilya told what delegation is and what types of delegation are, examples of incorrect delegation and advice on how to do it. The speaker also touched on the theory of management, the concept of continuous improvement, bass factor, levels of working maturity, situational management. The report, which was the best in the survey, was supplied with bearded tales, mention of smart people and a story about the secret know-how of delegation, about which no one can speak. Under no circumstances.


"She is forced to write code at the interviews, click to see"

Ivan Lukyanov, Technical Unit Leader (Avito).
How the process of hiring engineers in Avito changed, why it happened and what decision was made.


Panel discussion “Developer's meeting: process, quality, expectations”

They raised one of the most probably exciting technical questions: what do companies expect from a developer and how they conduct interviews. How long should the interview last? How much do you need to "drive" the candidate on the technical side? What does the candidate look for in a candidate other than professional skills?

This is our first experience of moderation and the organization of such a discussion, do not throw slippers judge strictly.

Photos are on Facebook and VKontakte . The entire mitap playlist is on the YouTube channel .

See you again!


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