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Championship of Italy. 38th round. The main thing.


As expected, in the duel of “Catania” and “Chievo” the third relegator of the season was determined . Mentors of the bickering teams - Marino and Del Neri - at first still looked at the course of the struggle in the matches of competitors, but quickly realized that there were no problems with scoring points for Siena, Regina and Parma. The meeting took on a cup character, with one caveat - a potential draw would leave Chievo in Serie A. This advantage, apparently, ruined the “flying donkeys”. In the second half, the wards of del Neri began to openly uphold the goalless score, which did not suit Catania in any way. The replaced owners of musical names - Rossini and Minelli - interrupted the Verona Symphony, which lasted 6 years, with a pair of balls. The owner of the Rossazurri Antonio Pulvirenti, who sat in the arms at the end of the match with his comrades-in-arms, after the match, came under fire from photojournalists. Needless to say, his team’s season turned out to be more fun than you can imagine.


11 minutes after entering the field, the 29-year-old striker of Catania Fausto Rossini , having closed the Vargas canopy awesomely, ruthlessly declassed the Chievo. Rossini has never scored more than five goals in a season in his career, but his rare goals come in handy.


Chievo. Five years ago, the wonderful team of Luigi del Neri fascinated the whole of Europe. Lupatelli, Perrotta, Corini, Luciano, Manfredini, Corradi in one season from completely unknown figures turned into objects of desire for the Apennine giants. Del Neri himself did not resist the temptation to test himself on a new level. However, having unsuccessfully rushed along the route Porto - Rome - Palermo, the 57-year-old coach last year again took the helm of an almost native club. As it turned out, only in order to leave Serie A with him. However, Semioli, Sammarco, Mantovani and others are sure to start the next season in the elite, but whether the Verona club will be able to return there in the coming years is a big question.


The second consecutive victory of “Palermo” (over “Udinese” - 2: 1). Such a long winning streak of the Sicilians in the second round has not yet happened.


The sniper expanse continued . Like last week, the recognized goalkeepers - Totti, Rigano and Lucarelli - together scored doubles. The Livorno forward, thus, set a personal sniper record in Serie A - he surpassed his last year's score by one goal. What is likely to be a weighty argument of Cristiano, who said goodbye to his native club, in negotiations with potential acquirers.


The winner of the Champions League, without a twinge of conscience, loses to Regina 0-2.


6 years of the first in the history of “Chievo” stay in Serie A came to an end. Less than a year ago, the Veronians played in the qualifying round of the Champions League, and today they are already saying goodbye to the elite of Italian football.

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