The defeat in the "Homeland"

In the first match of the 11th round, Khimki near Moscow presented one of the biggest sensations of the current championship, defeating Spartak in their field. The game made the guests seriously think about the question: what is happening with the wards of Fedotov?

The match started for Spartak not in the best way: Jiranek overslept his player, Pletikosa rushed out in the worst traditions of his predecessor Kovalevsky, and Shirokov calmly took advantage of the uncertainty of Spartak legionnaires - 0: 1. It would seem that nothing bad happened: the whole match is still ahead. “Spartak” should calm down, take the ball under control and systematically implement tactical developments, along the way, having adjusted the combination game. But the red-and-white, having missed, continued to bend their line, the essence of which was as follows: the inhabitants of Moscow Region should be cherished and cherished, in no way unnerving them with the swoops of the capital's troublemakers. And sometimes, inviting guests and pampering with the main attraction - security holes the size of the Mariana Trench. The first time Arkhipov escaped with the polite “thank you, don’t”, having missed from the slaughter position, but the second present was devoured with obvious pleasure: it was not at all difficult to bring the ball into the empty net. 2: 0 - to the 23rd minute.

Probably, one of the Khimki fans at that moment thought that the wards of Kazachenko had woken the Moscow beast in vain. Indeed, with such an account, it would be time to forget about education already - the result is needed, no matter how caring you are. But “Spartak” for all the remaining time of the first half created only one moment worthy of a slightest mention: Sabitov after the Dzyuba discount shook the crossbar. It is significant that it was Sabitov who responded to the discount, and not the player who was in the position “under the striker”. Why was this player not in place of Sabitov? Yes, because he was not on the field at all. In the absence of Titov, Fedotov decided to play without constructive midfielders in the center. Kovach and Sabitov are solid players, but the language does not turn out to call them creators. The forces of Torbinsky, sometimes shifting from the flank to the center, were clearly not enough. Dmitry looked like a ghost, frightening for a second with its appearance, and then again disappearing into oblivion.

As a result, Spartak had to rely on quick attacks on the flanks and on the fact that the forwards cling to the ball. Dziuba and Pavlyuchenko really, tirelessly struggling for horseback riding, legs and arms, and especially the elbow and head. But either the programs were too inaccurate or there was no one to pick up passes. Sabitov and Kovach thought primarily about defense, and Bystrov and Torbinsky are good at speed, and there is little from them in a tough fight for selection of sense. And for quick attacks by the flanks, not only good wingers are needed, but also a dispatcher in the center of the field. More than once or twice Bystrov, receiving a pass on the edge, eagerly searched with his eyes in the center of the field for a partner who could properly develop the attack, disperse it with an accurate pass on the move. But the coveted playmaker Bystrov did not wait. And as a result, the attack of nine-time champions of Russia over and over again ended without result: either a reshuffle without a sharp continuation, or Bystrov’s attempt to go ahead. From hopelessness.

Dziuba and Pavlyuchenko fought for horseback games without tireless legs, arms and especially elbows and heads

Fedotov clearly had to invent something. A replacement was suggested. In the second half, Kudryashov was replaced by Sergey Kovalchuk. The Moldovan took a place in the center of the field, sometimes remembering to close the left brow. In fact, Spartak switched to a game of three defenders. Kovalchuk, apparently, was called upon to establish a meaningful game in midfield, which Muscovites lacked in the first half. No doubt, Kovalchuk is a football player who is not deprived of talent, moreover, he is workable. But it was unlikely that much should be expected from a player who has long been used primarily in defensive structures: either as a defender, or as a defender. The player who was tortured by injuries, and he no longer remembers what a whole match is for the main team.

Muscovites until the end of the game did not conduct a single sensible attack, only a couple of times disturbing Berezovsky through individual actions. And again Pavlyuchenko simply did not want to score, from the slaughter position gently sending the ball into the hands of the goalkeeper. And Khimki played competently and selflessly, skillfully taking advantage of Spartak’s weaknesses in defense. Jovanovic, after filing a corner with a nod of his head, brought the score to a large - 3: 0. And who was lucky today is Spartak: Khimki players could put up absolutely shameful numbers on the scoreboard.

The red-and-white defense in this match was extremely unintelligible: Shishkin incorrectly chose a position and lost the martial arts to Tikhonov over and over, and Kudryashov clearly lacked the starting speed, which is why he got the mustard plaster. Zheder played uncertainly, without starting a single attack with a good first pass, and Jiranek just had a terrible match: both goals of “Khimki” from the standards were scored after the Czech lost the horse fight. On top of that, in the episode with the second goal scored by the hosts, Jiranek put on a goal assist, awkwardly placing his head under the canopy. But at the end of the match, the defender of the guests went even further: he decided not to limit himself to the start of the goal-scoring combination, but gave the perfect pass to the exit one on one to Vorobyov, who miraculously did not translate into a goal.

In a word, it was not the day of Spartak. Most likely, if on the Titov field, the red-white would play better, but in defense and with him there would still be a complete rush. And with the desire to play and fight too. So the guests' players can only look for the answer to the question of what is happening with the team and wait for the next round. Well, “Khimki” try to extend its unbeaten home streak - with such a game, relegation from the Premier League certainly does not threaten them.

Khimki - Spartak - 3-0 (2-0)

Goals: 1: 0 - Shirokov (5), 2: 0 - Arkhipov (23), 3: 0 - Jovanovic (53)

Khimki: Berezovsky, Orlov, Trivunovich, Stepanov, Jovanovic, Blatnyak, Shirokov, Vorobyov, Czech (Maksumich, 77), Tikhonov, Arkhipov (Yevstafiev, 88).

SPARTAK: Pletikosa, Zheder, Yiranek, Kudryashov (Kovalchuk, 46), Shishkin, Kovach, Torbinsky, Sabitov, Bystrov (Quincy, 73), Dzyuba (Bazhenov, 55), Pavlyuchenko.

Warnings: Kudryashov (26), Shishkin (45), Czech (45), Kovach (63), Kovalchuk (71), Tikhonov (80), Zheder (79).

May 25th. "Homeland." 7 p.m.

Judge: Alexander Gvardis (Kaliningrad).

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