The Time of Troubles

Unrealistic fines for loser clubs, big plans of the Ufa “Salavat Yulaev”, as well as a hit parade of recent transitions - in the weekly review “Sport today”, dedicated to the Russian hockey season.


This has not happened before - and perhaps never will be. Remember the historical moment: in the new regulations of the Russian championship, which will be discussed the other day, a point has been introduced according to which losers seriously get money. The 16th, 17th and 18th team of the championship (21 clubs compete, the last two leave the Super League) will have to pay a fine to the rest (according to another version, fines will be taken from the last ten teams).

Why is this done? Apparently, in order to add intrigue to the extent of the overblown tournament. To have less contractual matches. The last two clubs will leave the tournament, the two penultimate ones will pay a fine, and the rest will end up in the playoffs (it is not clear why the 16th club should pay, but once it is written, it will pay). It turns out that everyone will be guaranteed to be interested in taking a higher position.

Everything would be fine (although, of course, complete stupidity), if not for the amounts that appear in the draft regulation. The 16th team following the results of the championship will fall to ... 15 million rubles. 17th - by 30 million, and 18th - by 45 million. But that is not all. A major league winner who wants to play in the Super League will have to pay 45 million.

This nightmare is beyond explanation.


SKA and Salavat Yulaev promised to become an offseason sensation. Judging by numerous interviews, serious people came to St. Petersburg who were tired of the team staying in the Super League. In Ufa, they simply opened a cash tap and waited for someone to join it.

So far, neither one nor the other team is particularly encouraging. “Salavat Yulaev” throws money to the right and left, but he didn’t sign the main ones. It is no secret that Sergei Mikhalev planned to pick up Sergey Zinoviev, Danis Zaripov and even Alexei Morozov. But they all chose to stay at Ak Bars. So far, Ufa can boast of contracts with goalkeeper Alexander Eremenko and defender Vitaly Proshkin. But this is not enough if you want to become the champion of Russia. However, the Bashkir club last season took fourth place. And they do not need to change the composition too seriously.

But SKA cannot even boast of such recruits. It seems that the team took the eternal reserve from the NHL Oleg Tverdovsky. He is actually a defender, but conditional, preferring to play in attack. There are no more major changes, and enough money has already been spent.


The only club that has not decided on the head coach is the poor Chekhov Vityaz. What are they pulling there? After all, they promised that if Miskhat Fakhrutdinov excels in the junior championship (and he won the gold), then he will be appointed. But then, as usual in Chekhov, they changed their minds. And they are looking for a strong coach abroad.


"Wings of the Soviets" come to life again. Debts to the players were paid, and even the budget for the next year was announced - 10-12 million dollars. In addition, the problem with the Sports Palace has been resolved. True, rejoicing is still early. Firstly, all documents have not been signed yet. And how many times have they announced that the team is doing well? We lost count. Secondly, it is not clear what will happen to the palace. The current owner promises that he will give the team a sports facility, but we have read such news over the past three years. And it is not clear what kind of people come to the club. It seems to be well-known personalities - Alexander Tretyak, Victor Kuzkin, but definitely someone is behind them. And who is incomprehensible.


1. Maxim Kondratyev - from Lada to Anaheim

The defender of the Russian national team, who has never talked to reporters at the World Cup, is again sent overseas. He already played there, but returned easily. Probably will return this time. Still, the Stanley Cup finalist has no tangible problems in the roster.

2. Mika Noronen signed a new contract with Ak Bars

The goalkeeper, who failed the final series of the last championship, received a credit of trust from the coaches of the Kazan club. In Kazan they were waiting for the behavior of Alexander Eremenko. When the Russian goalkeeper chose Ufa, they decided not to look for other happiness. Still, Noronen has a high level. Another question is how he will spend the second season in Russia. Legionnaires who linger in our country are usually “blown away”.

3. Alexey Badyukov - from Ak Bars to Dynamo

This is not a mythical reinforcement of Dynamo, but Ak Bars’s rejection of the entire middle link. Now in Kazan there are only three of the best strikers in the country - and a completely “raw” team. Badyukov already played in Dynamo (he was a pupil of the club), but he did not gain laurels.

4. Tomash Moyzhish - from St. Louis to Siberia

Last year, the Czech defender played more often in the AHL. For the Blues, he spent only six matches. However, the Czechs are very neat and reliable. Such people will definitely not interfere with the defense of the Novosibirsk club.

5. Andrei Podkonicki - from Liberec to Vityaz

Another transition, indicating the excellent organization of work in Chekhov. There is no coach, but players appear. The 29-year-old striker has not too impressive statistics and few games for the national team. How he got to the suburbs, one can only guess.

Alexey Shevchenko

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