“George the Victorious against the Serpent Gorynych about three heads, whose names are Lukoil, Russian Railways and Gazprom

For the first time in a long time, CSKA fans are discussing refereeing en masse in their guests - apparently, there have really been some changes in the Premier League.


Talking about the heat touches me: God, poor things, oh, how hard it was for them. Sob. Before, I often went to ball hockey, and so, as I remember now, one of the matches was -43 degrees. In order to go for it, courage had to be had, the wife only twisted her finger at the temple. Our stars would be there to love our homeland stronger. But the guys in hockey with the ball salary is not many times, but hundreds of times less, many ride on old battered Soviet cars. And they play in such weather, and they fight at speed.

yri , guest BB (Spartak)


Some, not the most worthless specialists in pedagogy believe that adults who are especially successful really learn only in two circumstances: when they are very genuinely ashamed in a public situation and in situations of serious loss of life. I wonder what can be very embarrassing for Kalina?

terpila , guest BB (Spartak)


At the match CSKA - Spartak it happened to sit on the horse sector. So I liked what - CSKA players were constantly scolded there. It was nice to hear how bad they are, they can't play, etc. And we have a clear matter - they scold the Spartacists that they’re tired of listening already. It’s as if we don’t have a team, but sucks. Why do fans do this? Maybe follow the school mark: if you scold someone, then he will pass the exam perfectly?

masha , guest BB (Spartak)


There are many stories about Osipov *. The team jokingly argued whether he would name more than ten teams of the Premier League. I didn’t call. He almost never knew five days before the game with whom the next match was. And the funniest story was after the match with Dynamo. The champion just played a little rough and lost 0: 1, Osipov was released for a replacement, he did not remember anything, but then the judge awarded a penalty in favor of Zenit. At eighty a minute. For some reason they entrusted to beat Osipova, he struck irresponsibly, badly, the goalkeeper took it. After the game, Osipov sits in the locker room and rubs his hips. Someone from the administration approached him and uttered the words of consolation on duty, although, perhaps instead of them, he would rather have bumped the sad Osipov, they say, Serega, do not worry, with whom it does not happen. “Yes, I’m not upset because of the penalty,” said Osipov. “Too bad they released late. I did not really have time to run. I didn’t load the muscles. ”

BK , guest ZIA ("Zenith")


But I’m waiting with trembling when Timoschuk’s reserve of responsibility will end, for Hollywood miasms will soon leak into the soul, when he, having run away for some time there on old habits, suddenly begins to see clearly and realizes that all colleagues, so to speak , on the shop floor, for a long time life was a success. And then he begins to think. And this is the first step to reduce speed, lack of desire to clean up other people's mistakes, run on the defensive and generally perform feats. When he realizes that he is being fed well enough, collapse will occur. Of course, I would like to delay the moment of his advance, but I am afraid that sooner or later he will come.

Oblomov , guest ZIA ("Zenith")


This year it is very interesting to watch how “horses” began to be judged “like everyone else,” and how they go nuts about it.

BK , guest ZIA ("Zenith")


It is undeniable that this season our team is carefully merged. After all, it is not necessary to openly plead an opponent. It is enough to act strictly in accordance with the rules. And if it says there that you can’t push around in the penalty area, then any contact of our player with an opponent can be regarded as a violation and the goal canceled. The same applies to offsides, and to the penalty, which was in Perm. Plus whistle whatever you want and give out cards. And that’s all. The result is guaranteed. And our coaching staff is absolutely right that after each match it protests the refereeing. If this is not done, then we will get complete judicial lawlessness against us.

niksa , guest of Red-Army (CSKA)


Of course, it is easiest to say that the judges are to blame. They took it away, squeezed it out. You can add a lot of things to mortal arbitrariness sins so that you yourself are not responsible for failures. The only bad thing is that after him the whole team also begins to write off their own game and the resulting point losses on the referees. Such whining usually does not end with anything good for the quality of one's own game. The referees were wrong, wrong and will be wrong - this is an integral element of football.

IzAl , guest Red-Army (CSKA)


Is it really not clear that this season, against our modest Georges the Victorious on a red and blue horse and with a spear and a shield with the inscription “VTB”, Zmey Gorynych took up arms about three heads, whose names are Lukoil, Gazprom and Russian Railways? It would be nice, of course, that in the end everything turned out, as in epics and tales.

red-blue junior , guest Ofi.gest (CSKA)


I have a slightly different perception of this topic with a whining about refereeing. At the level, as the joke says, nuances. So, Thierry Henry is a great forward. He is the champion of the world, Europe and England. He creates on the field. What is there - he is a genius. But at the moment when Henry opened his mouth for a whining about refereeing, he became miserable. So, overnight, he turned from titanium into a dwarf, rubbing snot on his cheeks. And our stars - even ours, at least "meat", at least "meat and dairy" - are not a couple of Henri. In general, they often do not have to transform. Goofy - and away we go: the judge somehow obi-i-idel, and if he weren’t, we would be champion-o-oni-and-and ...

K&K , guest Red-Army (CSKA)


Amkar could also file a protest against Zhirkov’s deletion, but it doesn’t. And why? Yes, because nobody needs such a cheap PR except CSKA and Yegor Titov. That's all. In addition, all this affects the referees, they think poor: “How to interpret this or that moment? What if Valery Georgievich will be unhappy? ”These are all nerves. And then mistakes, and Gazzaev constantly wonders why they are judging incorrectly ...

Wanderer , guest "Amkara"


"Caps" are completely insolent. Not only did Semak invite the “horses” to cheer for them in the final of the Kyrgyz Republic, so Meleshin and Kuzmin also turned to “meat” fans. The coalition is made up. Right, some kind of Entente. Now we need to take the Cup in every way - when will there still be an opportunity to mock at the fans of three Moscow teams at once?

Goranflo , guest "Aha" ("Locomotive")


The closer the day of the final of the Kyrgyz Republic approaches, the more I am at a loss. I will explain. In the news I read an interview with Semak. He says I invite CSKA fans to come to the finals and cheer. Further, Meleshin and Kuzmin: they say that we are the pupils of Spartak, we invite the “meat” fans to come. Also cheer, support. What the hell is that? Maybe, of course, I have paranoia, but the impression is that these people, at least, do not pay attention to the fans of FC Moscow itself. Again, Semak, who ran to celebrate his 100th goal in the match against CSKA? In my opinion, he doesn’t even care about the club in which he now plays. It’s sad somehow and sadly after all this.

lifter , guest of "Moscow"


Explain to me, amateur, why Vladimir Weiss is not fired? The team is stronger than Rostov in all lines. Midfield is generally gorgeous. But there is no attacking game. Most matches are gray draws 0-0 or 1-1. And this is with Kirichenko, Lebedenko, Eremenko, Karyaka and other players who are much stronger and more experienced than ours in attack and individually. And on the 12th place, “Saturn” and only two points more than ours. And Weiss has long been working with the team. What is the reason? So much for the overseas coach. Do you want to exchange the Weiss ball? We’ll start to lose everyone, and he will say: “Well, so I have Karjaka, Eremenko, Garlic and other guys played good in midfield. And you have former understudies from Uralan. What do you want? Bad composition. ” We will think, think and say: "But the overseas reputable coach is telling the truth."

WARRIOR , guest of the Rostov Network Maniacs ("Rostov")


* Osipov - Sergey Osipov, played for Zenit from 1997 to 2002, now plays in Odessa's Chernomorets.

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