Dmitry Khokhlov: “You need to buy about ten people to feel calm”

The midfielder of the Moscow Dynamo before the match with Moscow complained to Sport Today correspondent about pestering defenders, recalled the Romanov team and shared ideas about strengthening the club during the summer transfer period.

- In the match of the previous round with Tomyu you played a striker. Will you come to this position with Moscow again?

- Oh no! I had enough of the last match to understand that this is not my position. Thank God, forwards are slowly coming to our senses. Ruslan Pimenov yesterday returned from Germany, where he was undergoing treatment. He can’t play yet, but it’s great that he’s even returned to Moscow. And Ciseru trained all this week in the general group, so he will be out for the match.

- And if the Portuguese plays poorly, and Andrei Kobelev decides to replace him, will you push you forward again?

- We did not discuss such a development with the coach. I think Danny will be better off playing ahead. I used to play in open spaces and open on the flanks. And the striker does not have freedom at all - the defenders are constantly clamping. On me so at all - just hung. By the way, I used to have to play an attacker, and several times. In the national team, for example, when Romantsev coached her - in the World Cup qualifying round match against Slovenia. Then back in Real Sociedad and in Lokomotiv under Estrekov, when we beat CSKA 3: 2, and I scored a goal.

- Dynamo plays better this season than in recent years, but at the same time it shows amazing instability. Today it can beat the favorite of the championship, and tomorrow it will be crushed to smithereens. What is the reason for this?

- The reason is that the composition is too stable and there is no rotation. One composition for all games is not enough. The second reason is youth instability. The success of Dynamo in a given match depends on young players, and if they play poorly, then even the “old people” can not help. Notice when we win, young people make the whole game, and when they fail, we lose points.

- They say that the Dynamo leadership is already making plans to compete this year for a place in European competitions. But before the start of the season, you had completely different tasks.

- Excuse me, where did you get such information?

- From information sites. They wrote that in the summer a certain amount of money will be invested in Dynamo, among which there are prize money for getting to Europe.

- It is not true! Before the start of the season, we agreed with the management that we would not strive to take places in the UEFA zone. It’s enough for us to play and finish at the top of the table. The first time I hear about such lofty goals.

- But what about Kobelev’s statement that he needs newcomers to each line?

- In the summer it is necessary to strengthen the composition in any case. It is very difficult to play without a reserve, despite the fact that this year Dynamo has a really friendly team. If new players come in the summer, I will only be in favor.

- And which lines, in your opinion, should be strengthened?

- In a good way, the Premier League club should have two good players per position. We have the opposite. I think that newcomers are needed not in every line, but precisely in each position, except, probably, the goalkeeper. That is, in the summer we need to buy about ten people in order to feel calm. But so many newcomers, of course, will not appear. I hope that the forward and several people come to the defense and the middle line. Even if for the first time they will sit in reserve, it will still be more comfortable with them, there will be at least more replacements than now.


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