“We don’t play even with Nevio Skala and Lawyer, and you want to play with Balakhnin”

In the middle of the week, the last round is already forgotten, and the next round is far away. On the fan of the Internet guest comes the time of philosophical reflection.


I think that all discussions about which scheme is better against CSKA are talks about nothing: in my opinion, for six years they haven’t tried “double-ve” ... It doesn’t matter which scheme to play with “herringbone” or “pine”. No circuit will work while on the field only at half the composition of the eyes burn. And the rest earn money as much as possible. In my opinion, you need to play a “pig” - to line up and push, push, push down to the last horse's breath. And then bury it and write the inscription!

Eaglesias, guest BB (Spartak)


Sometimes, guys, sincerely and keenly want to be a "horse". Do not draw lines, do not watch storyboards, do not find out whether one or another football player is passive or active, but simply ask: did you raise the side flag? The chief whistled? So it was. And go all in FIG. But it doesn’t work out.

Mike Lebedev, guest BB (Spartak)


Youth spoils money, but without money they run away. Dilemma…

Los, guest BB (Spartak)

Hang up

I am disappointed. I read now that in Moscow, the gay pride parade was canceled. Interestingly, did the CFA file a collective application for the parade?

knn, guest BB (Spartak)


It seems to me that something needs to be done radically with refereeing. Maybe like in the traffic police? Each player must have a warning coupon. If you go out into the field drunk or not sober - right on the penalty bench. If someone else's number, a broken number or no number on a T-shirt at all - there too. Well, the rest is up to the judge. Minor violations - a penalty receipt is issued (pay until the next game), serious ones - a hole in the ticket, two holes on the penalty bench, minor glitches - explanatory conversation. It seems that KDK is not even necessary.

Parishioner, guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


The topic of moods and other psycho-moments is too frequent for Zenit. And this is our main problem, in my opinion. Too much attention is paid to this, and players too often flaunt these moods and subtle psychological moments of the relationship. For example, yesterday’s departure to replace two geniuses - Shava and Harry. Shava, passing by Dick, and was not going to clap his palm outstretched by him. Garik almost sent it. Offended, or what? Who are you mad at? To myself? At all around? Too many such moments. Because of all this, football also goes by the wayside. But each word - did you notice? - we catch every intonation, every subtle hint and double, triple, seven-dimensional sense in every half-word of our geniuses. Every time we guess the subtext and try to catch: what is the idol’s mood now, are we too sick of it with our football and questions about Zenit?

Jazz, guest ZIA (“Zenith”)


About the reputation. I am always amazed. Guys, what do we care what Spartak fans say? That is their right. And then we have a Lokomotiv fan who is ashamed that his team has a coach Byshovets, that he plays in the stadium during half-time pop music, that the orchestra on the podium lights up. Begin to respect yourself, and begin to respect you. If you yourself relate to your coach this way and react to all the events happening around your team, what do you expect from fans of other teams?

Tikhon, guest "Aha" ("Locomotive" )


And what is the topic about Aldonin? Did he ever play differently? And we won the UEFA Cup with Eugene Pernambucano?

kuzma, guest of Red-Army (CSKA)


I have an opinion on injuries. It is high time to introduce the rule that when injuring a player (whether it is intentional or not, an opponent or his own), the one who inflicted this injury has no right to play in official matches until the first official match in which the injured takes part. Without reservations and amnesties. He broke a young man for half a season - he went to a shop for half a season. He forced a person to retire at age 30, not to mention the case of Perkhun - go play hockey or retrain as a janitor or security guard. Cruel, but will make many think ...

Alex VAO, guest "Wings of the Soviets"


Not all spare parts became useless. The car just deteriorated, several parts were worn out. And others just started to work badly. For example, in the middle part of the machine, the axles (of the new ones) broke down, the back hill also deteriorated, it had to be replaced with a domestic bendz. The front of the car is also a problem. The car behaves as if the driver is drunk. You can certainly put a watermelon on the hood, but I think it won’t get any better. He began to lower the front right canyend. Something must be pumped up. If the kanyenda can still be pumped, then the axis must definitely be changed.

john , guest of the Rostov Network Maniacs ("Rostov")


In our country with good coaches tight. Gazzaev was good when he led Spartak-Alania to the champions. Now he doesn’t need to think too much, almost everyone makes money. But as other clubs got money, it’s so hard for him, he already forgot how to build tactics with removal and injuries and when you are pressed. Romantsev has never been a good coach. Just a mess was. Semin is also a wimp. This perfectly showed his coaching at Dynamo. Who else? Gadzhiev, maybe Berdyev, but here the national mentality. And you say good coaches ... We don’t even play with Nevio Skala and Advocaat, but you want to play with Balakhnin.

john , guest of the Rostov Network Maniacs ("Rostov")


“Saturn” is a draw for the same reasons that “Spartak” cannot win against CSKA. Our club slogan will soon be: "Keeping the old traditions."

Nika, the guest of Saturn


We forgive everyone. And Weiss will forgive everything if we start winning. Such is our organization of the soul. Dreams, hopes, I want to see football, the game. Is the result important? The football itself is important, the thought ... What the problem is there is not important. It must be solved. They decide to leave the coach - well, they will not leave - also good. I’ll go to football anyway. Scream. To judge a fight.

Vladimir, the guest of Saturn

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