American psycho

Ottawa after the third victory in the series with Buffalo is one step away from the Stanley Cup final. “Sport Today” is about one of the main creators of this success, goalkeeper Ray Emery. Otpet hooligan and impenetrable gate guard.

Ottawa goalie Ray Emery is an inexhaustible source of storytelling for newsboys and a bottomless well for club bosses. The latter (they were the first) forbade him to dye his hair in a radical color, to dress his favorite clothes, to decorate the mask with images of dubious idols. The rulers of all stripes endlessly disentangle the consequences of fisticuffs of the obstinate goalkeeper. There is nothing to be done, the "senators" themselves harnessed to a tough cart, connecting the future with a man who had never been and is unlikely to ever become a modest gear in a single command mechanism. The dark-skinned Emery has such a bright personality that you can not push her into a tight metal frame located on the edge of the ice platform.

However, no matter what they say about Ray, he proved the right to be called a winner. For two full seasons in the NHL, an American guy grew up into the main goalkeeper of the Canadian team and earned the right to be called a Person. Now the owners of the club can even turn a blind eye to the late goalkeeper on the plane - if only the guard, having rushed in a hurry, qualitatively completed his work. “Emery can do whatever she wants. Unless, of course, this is connected with crime, ”jokes the Ottawa striker Brian McGrattan. Although last season, almost every Ray's trick was perceived by club bosses with hostility. You can not say about ordinary fans who appreciated a sense of humor, indefatigable excitement and unyielding character.

Is it possible to take seriously a series of funny episodes from the goalkeeper's hockey biography? Have you heard, for example, how Emery ate a cockroach? To the argument! Daniel Alfredsson offered five hundred dollars for devouring a live insect, and the newcomer simply had no moral right to show weakness before a venerable veteran. Subsequently, with honestly earned money, Emery made an eloquent tattoo on his right forearm, which largely reflects his life credo: "Anger is a gift." And he gathered a special press conference about the host of his tattoos, with a large gathering of journalistic brothers arranged a tour of his body.

They say that the bosses of the “senators” were in shock ... The case of repainting hair in silver also received wide publicity in the press. Ottawa General Manager John McLeer instantly threatened with dismissal, and Emery returned the hair to its original color. The helmet with the image of the boxer and rapist Mike Tyson generally led to almost criminal prosecution of its owner. Then almost all Canadian parliamentarians turned against Ray. Was it worth it?

“People used to fan scandals from little things. I hope that now, when I win on the ice, I will be allowed to emphasize my individuality beyond it, ”Emery amuses himself with illusions. Although from the height of his game exploits such a proposal, at a minimum, should be considered. Three victories in the Eastern Conference finals over Buffalo, the championship leader. Three "crackers" in the current cup draw. 11 wins in 13 matches, 1.89 conceded goals and 92.1 percent of saves. Such a dossier is quite capable of pulling on the laurels of MVP . “The success of our business directly depends on victories. The more of them, the less complaints about the athlete, ”Brian Merrey, the head coach of Ottawa, hints at the amnesty. Which automatically means: for a while the leadership will close its eyes to defiantly loud costumes in which Emery is used to flaunting behind the walls of hockey palaces. Fortunately, inside the ice oval on the goalkeeper's ammunition, Tyson’s traces are no longer observed.

Now Ray’s masks show off cartoons on other black boxers - Jack Johnson (who has a decent prison term behind him), Marvin Hagler and George Chuvalo. Emery has long been a little single victory at all. From a young age, he used to be at the epicenter of general attention, at the intersection of spotlights. Hence the personal passion for fist brawls. “He likes to run to the center circle, unfastening the trap as he moves. When the stands squeal with delight and applaud him alone, ”says McGrattan, who two seasons ago set the American Hockey League's record for the number of penalty minutes. Ray's former Binghampton teammate scored 551 minutes per season! “If he could fight every night, I think he would fight without a twinge of conscience.” The spirit of a fighter lives in him. He is a very aggressive player. It’s not often that you meet the goalkeeper of such a psychological warehouse. ”

For the first season in juniors, Emery was fined four times for scuffle. The transition to the AHL has not changed much. In the 2002/2003 season, Ray was disqualified twice. First for the judge’s blow. Then for the attack on Denis Hamel, who then defended the colors of Rochester, and now our hero’s teammate. According to Emery, the almost criminal showdown was caused by racist attacks on him.

In the 2003/2004 championship, the current Ottawa goalkeeper boxed twice and even injured his hand. The AHL disqualified him for five games for being too rude towards Michelle Ulla, who was on the road to Pittsburgh. Well, the bosses of the “senators” sent tough guy in an iron mask to a special class - to learn to control their anger. Did not help. Buffalo fans will remember Emery’s February duel with Martin Biron for a long time and the pen test that followed in a confrontation with the venerable taffy of “blades” Andrew Peters. That, incidentally, was the first game of the rebel goalkeeper after a three-match sentence for hitting a club in the face of Montreal striker Maxim Lapierra ...

“Now young athletes allow themselves a lot. Not like in the 80s or 90s, when we clearly told hockey players: “You should not communicate with journalists. Be silent. " And they were silent. Now the NHL has become more open, ”said the head coach of the“ senators ”Brian Murray. Nine consecutive victories, from which Emery’s Enhael career started, proved to be a good help for leadership loyalty. Taking off the bat, the goalkeeper broke the league record for 23 years!

When Hasek pulled his groin at the Olympics, Ray took a little more sacred place and gave a dozen victories in a month, repeating Bernie Parent's 32-year-long achievement. In the second year in the NHL, Emery's results were not as bright as his shirts - 2.47 goals per match, 91.8 percent of saves, 5 games “to zero”. However, in each of the nominations, the guard of the “senators” surpassed the current opponent Ryan Miller, who has experience in playing for the US team.

Now, Emery goes to training at the orange Lamborghini. The familiar "Hammer" is still under repair. Two weeks ago, the car was injured in a small accident. Then Ray overslept the flight to East Rutherford, for the fifth match of the series with the New Jersey, and headlong rushed along the streets clogged with vehicles. The liner with the team soared into the sky without him. But Emery got to the target with a commercial charter, repelled 27 shots and waved the handle to the “devils”, which was loose on summer vacations. The Moor has done his job; the Moor can be naughty.

Vladimir BYCHEK

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