“It's time to replace the phrase“ ball loss ”with the capacious word“ Kim ”

Fan Internet guest chewing on Sunday's impressions of the 9th round to the accompaniment of the grumbling grunts of fans of “Zenith” and “Saturn”.


What Zenit needs, I don’t understand. And the field is as good as it can be in Russia. And the time is not lunchtime. And the judge has no influence on the game. And the opponent is no match. Players both know how, and run, and do. For the most part, there is nothing to blame anyone but Arshavin - well, God bless him. But somehow it is ... unconvincing.
Yu-nick, guest ZIA ("Zenith")


Did we think before the start of the season that after the ninth round we will carefully consider the improvement of the game with one middle peasant after playing with another? And the match with Kuban (!) Will be the best for this day. Hmm ...
Voland, guest ZIA ("Zenith")


Before the start of the season, Arshavin said that he would not sign a contract with Zenit. Strongly and under no circumstances. After which he signed the contract. In principle, nothing new. With the exception of two small features: the increase to the contract was very insignificant - less than in previous times, plus rumor rumbled around the city. And the rumor was this: Arshavin was forced to sign a contract. Who forced - it was not said. But there were two candidates: either the state machine of Okologovazprom structures, or an agent ... Maybe this is true, but maybe not. We do not know this. But it is obvious that Arshavin does not specifically play as he can.
foma, guest ZIA ("Zenith")


Arshavin must give birth to a revealing interview on two pages of an all-Russian newspaper. And the thing goes.
Cyril, guest ZIA ("Zenith")


I'd like to see Anyukov on the field. At least in order to understand whether it is possible to play worse than Jin.
Voland, guest ZIA ("Zenith")


It's time to replace the phrase “ball loss” with the capacious word “Kim”.
Maine, guest ZIA (Zenith)


Pogrebnyak is another one. Like Cristiano Ronaldo. Soon he will be booed by the whole stadium too. Although this would not hurt us.

bobic, Green Mile forum ("Kuban")

In each movement of Had, diligence and accuracy came through. With approximately the same movements, a particularly complex figure is sawed with a jigsaw. All that was missing was a tongue sticking out from zeal ...

Shpala, guest "Aha" ("Locomotive" )


Hello bottom! They broke away from you for a while.

AS , guest of the Rostov Network Maniacs ("Rostov")


VVV - Volodya, get out !!!

Seaman, the guest of Saturn


I wanted to write about the game. Then I realized that there was no game. Then he removed the entire mat. In general, I have everything.

Vladimir, the guest of Saturn


But Weiss is a good man.

Parabellum, the guest of Saturn


Affection of the weekend: the match Khimki - Saturn. To anyone who bears plans for the development of the army team at the expense of domestic raw materials (battering rams, self-propelled guns, salugins), I highly recommend buying a cassette and watching. The feeling of a rural disco. It was the one in which our entire championship was located five years ago. So we are growing. So far at the expense of the missionaries.

total, guest Red-Army (CSKA)


To understand the meaning of life, it is sometimes useful to go down to the bottom. Given that three points in the game with the country champion do not lie on the road, and Amkar misses the Loko tour, there will be more than enough time to think - after the match with CSKA, the red-blacks have already had three weeks. Although, of course, it was necessary to think before. And how well it all began ...

Sturgeon, guest "Amkara"


After all the tsatsk and pots taken by the club over the past five years, not to mention the six-year series with Spartak, it seems to me, to put it mildly, blasphemous to even breathe in the direction of Gazzayev, not to mention the drive, throw and roll. And even more so - to analyze. FIG who is ever going to repeat.

RG , guest Ofi.gest (CSKA)


By and large, what Fedotov does - on the first line with yesterday's understudies, and even after the games with the “horses” and “Zenith” - is called short - a miracle. And it would seem: first place, on a solid basis - Shishkin, Kudryashov, Torbinsky, Sabitov; nearby - Dziuba, Elephant, Rebko, Dineev, Fomin ... Boys. And what else is needed ?!

lekukh, guest BB (Spartak)

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