Side notes

Russia surprisingly competently held the world hockey championship. None of the participants will be able to make any claims to the organizers. None but Russian fans and journalists.

OMON is a "roof"

Now it’s clear why speculators can easily earn money and there will be nothing for them. Maybe it was clear to someone a long time ago, but earlier they somehow did not pay attention. It is easy to work when you are "covered" by riot police.

Riot police, for some reason on duty at the box office, made a lot of money at this World Cup. Tacitly took people who wanted to sell one ticket, because one of the acquaintances could not go (while the speculators calmly stood by and smiled). On the bus, he demanded to give a ticket for free or to wait when "it would be necessary to go to the department." Of course, they gave the ticket. The so-called law enforcement representatives passed on to speculators.

No matter how blasphemous this sounds, but thanks to Koiv, who scored the puck in the overtime of the semifinals. Izolda's company (this is the most famous speculator) suffered losses, fusing tickets for the match for third place and the final below par.

You can talk about the police for a long time and hard. She has recently been doing everything that wanders into her head. They may not be allowed to go somewhere without a bribe, they can be taken away without reason. All this directly related to Russian fans. Foreigners were not touched, even the most drunken Finnish fans.

Dear accreditation

As you know, the organization of the World Cup came under the control of one of the departments of the Moscow administration. All this quickly affected the accreditation for journalists. For example, for the first time it could be bought. Cost - $ 2,000 in the early days (with unlimited access). A little later they sold for 45 thousand rubles. All accusations were categorically denied at the accreditation center itself, saying that everything is issued only at the request of the IIHF.

Silent team

After the defeat in the match for third place, the Swedes went to the locker room, but the team’s press officer asked the reporters who they want to see. And deduced the necessary players. Of course, this did not happen with Russia. Our team’s press officer very rarely managed to invite hockey players. But is it his fault? Partly yes. But, of course, the fact is that our players usually do not care. Brylin, Markov, Gonchar - people who played overseas for a long time - spoke for everyone to the last. But the rest ... The fact is that in the Russian championship they are not accustomed to this. This is not spelled out in the regulations.

The second coach as the first

Who surprised me the most at the World Cup is the second coach of the Russian national team Igor Zakharkin. He - let's say without hiding - was the brain center of the team. All tactical ideas are his. Vyacheslav Bykov trusted him completely. And maybe the misuse of Ovechkin is precisely his solution. So, after the match with Finland, Zakharkin accused the goalkeeper of defeat. After 15 minutes, giving a comment for another media, he was already defending Alexander Eremenko.

The most neutral trainer

Russian national team coach Sergei Nemchinov is the most open of the entire national team headquarters. He is always ready to talk. True, it was impossible to get any clear answer from him. And all the interviews with him, the journalists ended with one phrase: "You can’t say so many right words."

- What would you like? - shook hands Nemchinov. - I lived in America for 12 years.

What TV shows

By the way, during the World Cup Sergey Nemchinov visited the studio of one radio station. Most of the calls concerned ... broadcasting the World Cup on TV. It turns out that they did not see hockey in the regions. Many only watched the semifinals of the “Russia”. The trainers were asked to “put in a word”, “to figure it out”. Nemchinov only shrugged.

The story of Kovalchuk

It's no secret that Ilya Kovalchuk did not want to be invited to the World Cup. Vyacheslav Bykov changed his mind in about half an hour. And just Sergey Nemchinov persuaded him, who claimed that without Ilya it would be difficult. It is said that Bykov was most afraid that Kovalchuk would begin to violate the regime and might get out of control. This did not happen. Kovalchuk held the tournament perfectly, he didn’t even ask from the base to the city. He certainly did not violate the regime.

Kondratyev - the most silent

All hockey players of the Russian national team at least once gave an interview to reporters: after training, in the mixed zone or at the base. Only one player has ever received press attention. This is the defender Maxim Kondratiev. Zinoviev was silent too, but at least they addressed him. The Ak Bars player promised to talk after the tournament. Cheated.

Alexey Shevchenko

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