“In the hit parade of CSKA and Spartak meetings in recent years, this game is in last place”

Sport Today experts Gadzhi Gadzhiev, Igor Kolyvanov and Igor Shalimov discussed the CSKA vs. Spartak match and came to the conclusion that Mandrykin sat on the bench, the players talked too often with the judge, Torbinsky played not as good as it sounds, and Titov with Bystrov forgot about Pavlyuchenko.

Photo red-army

Haji Hajiyev


Why did Fedotov not release Torbinsky from the first minutes? When we evaluate an individual player, we need to consider the entire course of the game, and not just the actions of a specific player. Until the 30th minute, CSKA looked noticeably better than Spartak, Gazzaev's team pressed, had more possession of the ball, and how Torbinsky would have acted in this situation is a big question. And after about the 35th and up to the 70th minute the Spartacists were more active and interesting - they noticeably corrected the game. Torbinsky came out in the second half, just in the midst of this activity of Spartak. There may be two reasons for Spartak taking the initiative: either CSKA decided to step back and play second number, or this was due to the changed balance of forces on the field. After all, it happens that a team wants to pressure, but the pressure does not work, the opponent re-plays it and you have to play second number - not because you planned it that way, but because the opponent is playing better at this time.


Spartak wanted to break the tradition unpleasant for itself in recent years and win - this was evident from the dedication of the players. The fact that in the starting minutes CSKA owned the advantage was not a consequence of the uncertainty of Spartak. Gazzaev always seeks to suppress the opponent with pressure from the first minutes. Apparently, this is gained during training, and the army team really work well in the initial phases of most games. This is facilitated by the game system with three defenders, which Gazzaev almost always uses, and the presence of the relevant performers in the midline and line of attack.


Often in football, one of the teams inflicts only one shot on target, and it becomes an assist. It is very important to pay attention not to how many balls hit the target (this indicator is not bad, but it is not very closely related to performance criteria and is often random), but from what position the shots are delivered. Bystrov scored his goal after leaving one on one from the penalty area.


It is felt that Mandrykin has no experience of playing at the base: once he took the ball out into the field and hit Bystrov, twice hesitantly played at the exits. Army defenders interact much better with Akinfeev. Mandrykin is a capable goalkeeper, but the lack of playing practice at the base cannot but affect.

Igor Kolyvanov


I noticed that the players of both teams were nervous during the game and constantly made complaints to the referee. Fall - and the football player sitting on the field indignantly pulls his hands to Zakharov. It's strange to see this behavior of the players, but he has an explanation - this is the game of the championship favorites. For example, in a match with an outsider or a middle peasant after a similar fall of a Spartak or CSKA player, the referee must have whistled in their favor, and in a match of this level, the referee has a huge responsibility, and he tries to please both opponents.


Despite the fact that Mandrykin still missed, and between the legs, his return to the field should be considered successful. Imagine: the goalkeeper does not have constant practice at the base, stands only for the double, and then he is immediately put on the match against Spartak. In the first half, it seemed that the defenders of CSKA tried not to let the Spartak hit on goal, feeling that Akinfeev was not at all behind. And in the first 45 minutes, Spartak did not deliver a single sensible strike to the target. Mandrykin had almost no work, because CSKA carefully blocked all approaches to his goal.

Successfully returned to the field, not only Mandrykin, but Roma Pavlyuchenko, who for the first time after the injury came out at the base. He did not score, but played in his own corporate style, creating a sharpness ahead. By the way, in his absence, Spartak's midfielders played on the same line with the nominal forwards - Dziuba or Prudnikov, and sometimes closer to other people's gates than the forwards, trying to help their young partners. Now, when Pavlyuchenko again appeared in the squad, who did not seem to need help, Titov, Torbinsky and Bystrov still opened at the very edge of the attack, leaving Roma behind.

Igor Shalimov


I'm not happy with the game. If you make a hit parade of the meetings of these teams over the past four years, the current game will be an outsider. The Russian Super Cup, when Arthur Georges played against Skala, the matches of the 2005 season, the final of the Russian Cup last year in my ranking are definitely higher than the last game. This year CSKA and Spartak are playing for the third time, and the game on May 12 is so far the worst. The Russian Super Cup and Channel One Cup were much more interesting and spectacular. And the quality of football was poor. The teams allowed a lot of marriage in action, the players fell after each contact, and both goals were scored after defense errors, although Krasic’s ball turned out to be very beautiful. The fact is that both teams came out with a different attitude than in previous derby. It seemed that this was the championship match on duty against some middle peasant, and not with his most principled opponent. Spartak played their regular football with quick combinations, however, to the full extent he did it only in the second half. And CSKA corruptedly underestimated the opponent - having scored a quick goal, the army team got on the defensive and did not notice how the advantage passed to the opponent.

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