Vladimir Gabulov: “Do not take me as an understudy”

The candidate for the position of goalkeeper of the Russian national team explained to the correspondent of Sport Today the difference between the double player and the second goalkeeper, discussed the goals of the Kuban and thanked the forwards for their dry matches.

- Was it difficult to move from Moscow to Krasnodar?

- No, I got a great job here. I live in a rented apartment with my wife and child. The city received me well, so I did not experience any inconvenience in connection with the move.

- You defended the gate of the CSKA double, and now you are playing at the heart of the Premier League club. It turns out that the army team has such a strong double?

“Why do you perceive me as an understudy?” This is a wrong statement of the question. Mandrykin and I defended the double goal because there was no way to get into the main team. Last year, before each match, I trained with the main team of CSKA - on a par with everyone.

- Probably, I put it wrong. You were the second goalkeeper of CSKA, which automatically becomes the first in a double.

“No, that's not quite right.” In football, rarely what happens “on the machine”, of course. Today you are a double player, and tomorrow you go to the main team. In this regard, the goalkeepers are more difficult - if the club has a solid first number, the spare keeper rarely gets the chance to play in his place.

- This year, many of the understudies of yesterday played pretty well at the core: the youth of Spartak and Dynamo, Efimov of Loko. Do Premier League clubs have such talented reservists?

- The level of football players is increasing every year. 18 people get into the application for the match, but only 14 of them can take part in the game. It happens that some players do not go on the field all season and only under certain circumstances, after good actions in training or in double games, they finally get the opportunity to at least come on as a substitute. And then they may well stake out a place among the first eleven. And then no one will remember that they were once reservists.

- Fans are discussing the draws of “Saturn” with might and main, although “Kuban” has the same number of five. What is the reason for this?

- This is a temporary phenomenon. We need to think not about how many draws we have, but to improve the quality of the game in order to complete the task.

- Has the new coach arrived, has she not changed?

- No, we are still striving to get into the top ten following the results of the championship.

- On Sunday, “Kuban” meets with “Zenith”, the game of which football experts evaluate ambiguously. What is your opinion?

- The main thing is that high-class players from different national teams are gathered in this team. I have nothing more to say.

- In eight rounds you played “zero” four times. Is it your merit or defense that works so well? Surely, after all, they conducted a debriefing after each game.

“Even if we had definitely determined whose merit was greater, it would not have made much difference.” I manage to miss not only me or the defenders, but the whole team. Even the attackers are trying to keep my goal intact.


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