Che time

The second round of the playoffs in the NHL did not give hockey fans a marathon of four overtime and was not generous with the test of seventh matches. Loud sensations and noisy scandals of the cup debut smoothly flowed into a quiet middlegame with its heroes. The first among them is Chris Chelios.

Vladimir BYCHEK


The oldest NHL player Chris Chelios (now 45) does not like to talk about a possible career end. Answering numerous questions, the Detroit defender prefers to laugh it off, as a rule, citing the number 51 as a guideline. And that’s only out of respect for the legendary Gordy Howe, who played in the strongest league on the planet until 52 years old. However, the San Jose series hinted transparently that there was only a small fraction of the joke in every joke. From match to match, the “senior citizen” increased his playing time and in the last match reached the grandmaster mark at 26 minutes and 15 seconds! Of course, this is not the 29 minutes that have become the everyday norm for Niklas Lidstrom, but let's not forget about the eight-year age difference. Moreover, in a series with fast and aggressive “sharks” Chelios used 11 power moves and blocked 13 shots! It is also significant that Chris gave the best match when the Red Wings lost due to Matthew Schneider's injury. On Monday, the veteran not only kept his gates locked, but twice assisted in capturing strangers. And the very next morning, an experienced protector was seen actively pedaling an exercise bike in a sauna ...


It so happened that the laureate in this nomination was determined in the Detroit - San Jose pair. And more precisely, in the confrontation between the forward of the “red wings” Pavel Datsyuk and the goalkeeper of the “sharks” Yevgeny Nabokov. Having defended “dry” in the first match, leadership was initially taken by a native of Ust-Kamenogorsk. However, already in the next battle, the Sverdlovsk citizen took a convincing revenge, having thrown the winning puck and a bit earlier having marked the assist. The second goal of Datsyuk in the series - it was Saturday night in the City of Motors - also brought Victoria to the Michigan. He was accompanied by a couple of productive passes and a stormy ovation from the public. It turns out that in vain North American analysts doubted the cup potential of the striker. Five goals in the current playoffs are a convincing answer to the army of skeptics who constantly nodded at our five-year “drought” in the post-season drought. Eleven points - just one less than in all 42 Enkhael Cup matches in which Datsyuk participated until this spring.


Only ten matches were needed by Ottawa to arrange early vacations for two of the three finalists for the MVP title of the season - Sidney Crosby and Martin Broder. The strike link of the “senators” - Daniel Alfredsson, Dani Heatley and Jason Spezza - in full force is found in the top five playoff scorers. Black goalkeeper Ray Emery is calm as a boa constrictor. Even being late for the plane, which took the team to the last, fifth, match of the series with the New Jersey, could not break the solid ground from under his feet. Having overslept his flight, the guard reached his destination on a commercial and in cold blood killed the "devils".


The “Buffalo” - “Rangers” confrontation was full of speed, aggression, pressure, an abundance of power struggle and funny collisions that brought the battle closer to a sensational outcome. The selfless actions of goalkeeper Henrik Lundqvist and experienced veterans Jaromir Jagr and Brendan Shenahan brought the head coach of the “blades” Lindy Raff to white-hot. A pair of home victories with the same score 2: 1 showed the world new “Rangers”. This team has nothing to do with the one that Devils lost a year ago. Having retained Jagr and Shenahan in his ranks, and at the same time having bought a couple of skilled bayonets in the offseason, New York has every chance of slamming the door even louder next spring. It’s worth it to scare the Buffalo, which many overseas observers had read the Stanley Cup before the start of the championship.


From the champion of the league in the number of victories for the championship they expected a lot. But in the playoffs, New Jersey goalkeeper Martin Broder is still the same notorious Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in one unassuming bottle. That he is a savior and a healer, ready to rid of all diseases. That emotionless gravedigger, concentrating in himself the worst vices of the profession. In the first period (!) Against the “Ottawa” Broder managed to miss four goals. In the third meeting, Martin splashed the optional goal of Tom Pressing defender. In the fourth, he completely scored into his own goal, correcting the banal backache of Dani Heatley with his skate. In the fifth, Daniel Alfredsson's cast yawned clearly. Do not believe Pushkin: genius and villainy are compatible things!


197 minutes 51 seconds Anaheim goalkeeper Jean-Sebastian Giger did not miss the playoffs in overtime! The enviable “dry” series finished on April 27 in the fifth period of the match with Vancouver. Either the goalkeeper was tired, or a certain invisibility gap was discovered in his ammunition, but the goal of Jeff Cowen was drawn by a most curious one. Trevor Linden made a sly pass from behind, and the hero of the evening deftly stuck the puck between the shield and the bar. That was the Canucks' only victory in the semifinals of the Western Conference.


“I don’t know a single coach in the NHL who would support New Jersey.” Except for the mentor of the “devils,” of course. General Manager Lou Lamorello decided that he can do anything. Namely, to take the post of coach and win the Stanley Cup. But this is absurd! Should this happen, our work would lose all meaning. It turns out that anyone can stand behind the board and give orders, ”the head coach of one of the clubs of the Eastern Conference who wished to remain anonymous in an interview with Ottawa Sun.

“I would like to sleep like that. The guy went home for lunch, after which he lay down and fell asleep. He lives alone, there is no one to wake him. So late for the plane. It will be necessary to buy some super-powerful alarm clock for Ray, ”Ottawa head coach Brian Murray regarding Ray Emery, the goalkeeper lost in the way.


Vancouver captain Marcus Neslund runs away from Anaheim defender Chris Pronger and skillfully scores in the fall. April 27th, the second game of the series.

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