Ilya Kovalchuk: “They treat us like people, not boobies”

Forward to the Russian national team Ilya Kovalchuk in an interview with Sport Today told how this tournament differs for him from the World Cup in Vienna, as well as about his closest rivals - the Czechs.

- Do you have any disturbing expectations or, on the contrary, joyful before the match with the Czech team?

- What are the alarming expectations? We are in a great mood. And we will show our hockey, in which we are able to play. I think everything will be all right.

- Did you personally like yesterday's match against Sweden? To the stands - very much.

- We have a team - one fist, that's why everything turned out. In the third period, we just crushed the opponent. Yes, now they say that the Swedes did not have someone, the third goalkeeper defended the goal, but what's the difference? Most importantly, it was a dress rehearsal for our team.

- You personally in the second period started up a little, it was noticeable from the stands.

- Why in the second period? I was wound up the whole game.

- There is a feeling that you are adding with every match. Do you feel it yourself?

- Acclimatization has passed, more or less used to the site. Yes, and played with the guys. Some combinations have already appeared. We open under each other. Therefore, the game looks better.

- Have you already become a team leader?

- We have 22 leaders. It does not matter who will score and who will lead him. We continue to play so everything will be fine.

- Are you used to European refereeing?

“Why get used to it?” Our business is to play, the business of arbitrators is to judge. They simply interpret each moment differently. Many hooks are missed, and for clean power tricks they are removed. But what to do?

- In the match before last you spent 5 minutes of a fine for Ovechkin. And they came out of the bench very angry.

- The fact is that I do not play in the minority, and they decided to send me to the bench so that I would go out and get involved in the fight right away. But I was waiting for a two-minute removal, and the referee changed his mind and wrote to Alexander for five minutes. I had to sit five.

- Saved energy?

- A little bit.

- Does it matter that the quarter-finals take place on May 9?

- If you played with the Germans, it would have mattered. And so ... But on such a great day, we should not let our grandfathers down.

- Did someone fight at your place?

- Yes, grandfather, heaven be with him. He was a tanker, went through the whole war. There is someone to play for, who to fight for.

- Something from his stories?

- Yes, there were many of these stories. He often came to us. Grandfather is a crest, that's why I have such a surname. He lived somewhere, I don’t remember where already ... In the Crimea, in my opinion. So, coming to Tver, he told. He reached Berlin. He fought from the first day to the last.

- It is clear that every time we will ask you, are you satisfied with your playing time?

- Yes, the coaches trust me. It is felt. And in general, everything is nice here: atmosphere, attitude.

- Better than it was at the World Cup in Vienna?

- Two different worlds.

- Maybe you just matured?

- That's not the point. One can see how people are treated. No, I will say this: they treat us like people, and not some kind of idiots. Because of this, you go out onto the ice with additional emotions.

- Do you have time to see your daughter?

- I saw her when we had a two-day break.

- Does he go to hockey?

- The wife walks, but the daughter does not. She is still acclimatizing. Coughs a little.

- Do you have friends in the Czech team?

- Well you! What friends can be in the Czech Republic? All friends in Russia.

- Have you booked a lot of tickets for the quarter-finals?

- But I generally turned off the phone and do not accept orders. Tired of it.

Alexey Shevchenko

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