Andrei Markov: “Choosing an opponent is stupid”

Defender of the Russian national team Andrei Markov, in an interview with Sport Today, vowed that the players did not think at all about who to get into the quarterfinals.

Andrei Markov was very nervous a couple of days ago at the sight of journalists, accusing them of provocative issues. But this time, the hockey player stood in the mixed zone for as long as it took.

“Was it the hardest today?”

- It turned out a very good game. The Swedes are a great rival, a strong team. And for self-confidence, we needed this victory.

- The Russian team went through the preliminary stage without defeats. Usually after that we lose in the quarter finals.

“I don't remember anything like that.” So there were no associations.

- Really did not want to save strength?

- Not. In every game we give all our best and make a result. In general, you always need to play to win. So in the next match we will fight to the last.

- Didn’t you think that it would be better to meet with the Slovaks in the quarter-finals than with the Czechs?

- No, we didn’t even think about it. We had to go out on the ice and win. We had to competently spend the whole match. We have succeeded.

- Today there were a lot of brawls. What is the reason for this?

- This is hockey, you know. This is in the order of things.

- It seemed that the Swedes were more nervous.

- It seemed to you. It was just hockey today, not ballet.

- We noticed. The arbiter made several definitely wrong decisions. It did not add additional nervousness to the game?

- Anyone has the right to make a mistake. And discussing the decisions of the arbitrator is not in my competence. The main thing is that the result is positive for us.

- Alexander Eremenko proved that he should be the “first number”?

- I do not solve such issues, but the coaching staff. But Sasha defended ... no, he played very well.

“Are you calmer when he's at the gate?”

- It’s calmer for us to just win.

- What can you say about the Czech team?

- I have not seen matches with their participation - so, some moments. Good self-confident team. Yes, in that group there is not a single weak opponent at all.

- It is believed that the Slovaks would be more convenient. Do you agree?

- The wrong opinion. All quarter finals will be equal and stubborn. Selecting an opponent is, at least, stupid.

- Well, with the fact that today you played a kind of playoff match, will you argue?

- Not. The game really turned out to be nervous. But we add from match to match.

- Strongly added today?

- Strongly.

Alexey Shevchenko

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