Vyacheslav Bykov: “The problem with the choice of goalkeeper will be in the final”

The head coach of the Russian team Vyacheslav Bykov, in an interview with Sport Today, said that he had already decided on the players he would call from the NHL. Most likely, it will be Sergey Brylin and Fedor Tyutin.

- At the press conference, you said that you will still choose the goalkeeper for the quarter-finals and now you have two equal goalkeepers. Not cunning?

- Not at all. I was sincere.

- And what can speak in favor of Vasily Koshechkin?

- That he also played well in the previous match. Yes, he missed three goals from the Swiss, but that doesn’t mean anything. Two goals in that match turned out to be curious, and Vasily cannot be blamed for anything. Today we also got one such goal.

- But did Eremenko's game suit you?

- Yes, Sasha stood well. Saved. It's nice.

- And you do not have a division of goalkeepers into those who are comfortable playing with the European teams, who - with the North American?

- Not. You just need to believe and trust. Nothing else.

“But trust is not noticeable.” You change them constantly.

- How no trust? Today, Alexander was standing.

- But usually the bet is on one goalkeeper.

- You know, we have so few goalkeepers. And if we “beat” one more ... We must look to the future. Sasha played great in the Eurotour. Basil was also impeccable. The only problem will be who to put in the final.

- And what are the technical problems associated with calling our NHL players, which you mentioned at a press conference?

- The fact is that in the NHL there are mandatory medical tests. And the players are not released from the clubs until they pass them. Therefore, we do not yet announce who will come.

- But have you already decided on the players?

- Yes.

- How many people?

- Three.

- It's clear.

- So far, even two.

- Brylin and Tyutin?

“I don’t want to give names, but you already understood everything.” It is important for me when they pass medical tests.

- And what about Mozyakin and Korneev, who train with the team?

- Everything will depend on the players from the NHL. Someone may be advised to postpone their arrival in Moscow.

- Returning to the match with the Swedes, did you find any negative aspects in the team’s game?

- So far we have not fully worked out the game "four by five." There are some minor issues here. I think we’ll fix it.

- Why don't the players stop in the mixed zone?

- We constantly tell them that it is their responsibility. And certainly they didn’t forbid anyone to communicate with journalists.

Alexey Shevchenko

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