Peter Happy: “Linesman said Ovechkin played with his elbow”

The striker of the Russian national team, Peter Happy, in an interview with Sport Today, explained why he managed to run away “one to zero” for the second time in this tournament, and wondered if the team was ready for the Swedes.

- Today, the Russian team had many different combinations. How do you like these innovations?

- In such situations, I think we need to play especially carefully. The center forward must always be behind, the third defender. The fact is, you don’t know who will go where. It seems to me that everything worked out for us. Of course, errors could not be avoided. In addition, when the Swiss five of them stood on their blue line, it was easier to play: throw the puck into the zone and fight there.

- The Russian team will no longer have weak opponents. Are there still many problems?

- Maybe we need to realize even more points at the gates of others.

- Who are you talking about?

- For example, to myself. Frolov had some good points. We have to work on this.

- How did the team take the episode with Ovechkin?

- No one expected that they would write such a fine. But there the linear arbiter intervened. It was he who explained to the chief judge that Alexander was intent on the part - allegedly he played with his elbow.

- Was it?

- I did not see the episode. I can not say anything. I tell you what the arbiter said.

- Vyacheslav Bykov was very unhappy.

- He was unhappy that the decision on the episode was made not by the chief judge, but by the lineman. In addition, there were claims on some points. We could play more often in the majority. Maybe he didn’t see something. But in general, the main thing is not to pay attention to it, to play further.

- Have you missed too much?

- We can say that they scored themselves twice.

- Vasily Koshechkin does not help out in his matches. Is it possible to say that Alexander Eremenko is the first issue of our team?

- We do not have such a division. The team has two first goalkeepers. And we help them with all our might.

- You have already scored the second goal in this tournament after a long transfer of a partner to an alien zone. This is not accidental, is it?

- There are situations when we intercept the puck. And in such cases I immediately try to run away. Kharitonov constantly finds me.

- But if Atyushov did the transmission to you sightly, then Kharitonov was clearly simply discarded.

- Maybe. But he knew very well that I could run away. There was such an arrangement.

- Was it easier with the Swiss than with the Italians?

- The Italian team was just defending. The whole match. And she had a great goalkeeper. But the Swiss still tried to attack.

- Have time to recover for the match with the Swedes?

- We will do our best. Now we’ll have dinner, we’ll go to rest. There will be massage and restorative procedures at the base.

“Are you very tired?”

- Not, no so much.

Alexey Shevchenko

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