Vyacheslav Bykov: “I will protect my children until the end”

The head coach of the Russian national team, Vyacheslav Bykov, in an interview with Sport Today correspondent, said that Vasily Koshechkin and Alexander Eremenko would continue to play in line, and also admitted that he had not yet decided on additional applications.

- Are you satisfied with the game?

- We must pay tribute to the Italians. They proved to be a serious contender today. Great sparring turned out. Despite the superiority of emotions over reason, we were able to achieve victory. We really wanted to score, play beautifully. But the opponent’s defense was good.

- What did the players say after the first period?

- Cursed obscenities and beat them. But seriously, the guys themselves perfectly understood everything.

- To whom do you entrust the place in the gate in the next match?

- Vasily Koshechkin.

- Does this mean that Alexander Eremenko will play against the Swedes?

- Yes.

- Why did you exchange Ovechkin for Kharitonov at the end of the meeting?

- I decided to try such combinations.

- Liked?

- I can’t answer for sure yet. They still played a little.

- Do not you think it's time to change some of the triples?

- It does not seem.

- Are you satisfied with Kharitonov?

- Generally.

- Do you have a complaint with the players?

- Yes, to a few. The desire was huge, but this affected the quality of the game.

- You do not disappoint Evgeni Malkin?

- Not.

- Did you notice when the audience began to whistle? What did you feel?

- I think this just put more pressure on the opponent and the Italians goalkeeper.

- Do not you think that Alexander Ovechkin is increasingly losing his way to the individual game?

- Not.

- Maybe he has problems with "physics"?

- Not.

- Will you always protect the players?

- Yes. These are my guys. And I will protect them from anyone.

- Do you plan to include Mozyakin or Korneev in the composition?

- There will not be additional applications yet.

- And why?

- I will not answer this question.

- Why don't you have a goalkeeper coach? You wanted to include Vladimir Myshkin in the headquarters.

- He refused.

- Does it scare you that the weak Italians had enough time to score a goal?

“But it's hockey.” It does not happen that an opponent does not have a single moment.

“But they created them because of the mistakes of the defense players.”

- Yes, I agree. But it does happen.

Alexey Shevchenko

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