“This is about rotation”

The whole match between Lokomotiv and Spartak was lost in thought: Dmitry Loskov was expelled from the team or not? Anatoly Byshovets answered this question in the way that only he can.

Photo fclm.ru

Nothing good was to be expected from this game.

First, a tragedy happened in Lokomotiv: one of the founders of his fan movement died. In this regard, black banners hung in the fans' sector of the team. Before the warm-up, the players laid carnations on the portrait of Eugene (he was known as Lotus).

Secondly, as soon as the game started, it immediately snowed. Fortunately, he quickly stopped. But one cannot fail to notice that in Moscow the weather deteriorates exclusively to football tours or Cup matches. It is not clear whose machinations this is. We hope that there are no supporters of the transition to the autumn-spring system.

Thirdly, of course, it was stunned by the news that the captain of Loko, Dmitry Loskov, had a falling out with Anatoly Byshovets again, this time seriously, and was sent home from the base.

The first post-match question to the coach was just about that. Moreover, it was formulated very clearly:

- Is it true that Marat Izmailov and Dmitry Loskov were expelled from the team?

The trainer's answer was not very specific:

- Izmailov has a relapse of an old injury. He is training, but so far in a sparing mode. As for Loskov ...

The trainer paused and chanted the letter “e”. It immediately became clear that he was only correctly formulating the answer.

“This is about rotation,” concluded Byshovets. - We are counting on the fifth.

In the hall for press conferences they began to exchange glances. It was clear that no one understood anything. The bravest one tried to ask again.

“I said everything about Loskov,” Byshovets interrupted. - I can’t constantly answer the same question ...

- Who is expelled? - Diniyar Bilyaletdinov scaredly asked after the game. - Loskov? Why do you think so?

- They say. And in the application for the game it is not.

- So what? - the football player shrugged. - This is our kitchen. But I did not hear anything about the deduction.

However, sources close to the club say that with Dmitry it’s really not all smooth. And his fate will be decided in the near future. Club President Yuri Semin refused to speak on this subject, saying that "the coach said everything."

Dmitry Sychev, when asked to comment on the game (he would never have been asked about Loskov), made a “goat” with his hand, which, apparently, meant an extreme degree of fatigue.

And the Spartacists generally pretended to be deaf, and some hurried to leave the stadium through the back door. They were ashamed.

“It feels like they put me in shit,” said Vladimir Fedotov immediately, without further questions.

This is probably the most interesting feeling of a specialist for all the time.

Alexey Shevchenko

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