Alexander Samedov: “I have been too clever”

Lokomotiv midfielder Alexander Samedov in the cup semi-final against Spartak left in the first team after a long break. In an interview with Sport Today, he tried to analyze the outcome of the match.


- They expected you to be included in the starting lineup?

- Most likely, it was unexpected.

- Are you satisfied with your game?

- I am pleased with the result.

“But can you say something about your game, too?”

- Well, I first came out after a long break. In principle, satisfied.

- They could score a goal in the first half.

- Yes, he could.

- And what was missing?

- Wrong fulfilled. It was necessary to beat in a different way, in the near corner. And I'm too smart. And he chose the distant one.

- Anatoly Byshovets says that you were specially tuned for this match by Vasily Kulkov. What did he say?

- It just so happened that we often talked with him on different topics. He set me up, did not let me lose heart. That's all.

- Did Spartak surprise you with something?

- No, in principle.

- Did you expect that the defense of red and white will crumble?

- I do not know. We probably played so well.

- The head coach talks about the problems of the team with the implementation of the moments. But you score in the Cup of the country ...

- So it turns out. After all, our task is to win the Cup. And the championship.

- 0: 3 recoup?

- Yes, everything is recouped! But I hope not with us.

- The new captain Emir Spahich brought you to the game. By what principle was he chosen? Still, the team has people and more experienced.

- So the coach decided.

Alexey Shevchenko

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