Denis Grebeshkov: “If you relaxed, then only a little bit”

Defender of the Russian national team Denis Grebeshkov in an interview with Sport Today correspondent explained what happened to the team at the beginning of the third period, when the Finns almost equalized.

- For two periods, your game was close to perfect. What happened then?

- Nothing happened. There were unnecessary deletions, and the Finnish team took advantage of this. She plays great in unequal compositions. But in equal compositions, no one had an advantage.

- But until the third period, you “drove” the opponent and in the majority, and minority, and in equal compositions.

- They were just lucky in the third period. The first throw reached the goal. Although in general we were able to play in our area. No luck, I guess.

- You were warned that the trump card of the Finnish team is a game in the majority?

- They did not emphasize this. Yes, there were hockey players who play great in most, but no more.

- Was there any special installation for your link?

- Separately by links, we have no installations. Everyone was told that the Finns are a mobile, mobile team.

- What are your conclusions from the third period?

- Probably, it sounds corny, but there is only one conclusion: do not relax.

“So you still relaxed?”

- If only a little bit. But you have to play the whole match assembled.

- Can we say that goalkeeper Vasily Koshechkin did not save today?

- I find it difficult to answer. If you disassemble all the goals, the goalkeeper was either closed or the puck was scored from finishing. So his guilt, perhaps not.

- The last match was the benefit of the Kazan five. It seems that the team has already decided on the first link.

“Can it be said that the rest are serving a room?” Everyone can score. Just the guys from Ak Bars play together all season. Naturally, they do better. Perhaps, while they are leaders, but I would not discount the rest.

“What can you say about the episode when Ruutu nearly sent Happy to the hospital?”

- It was a power reception in the back, but Peter did not see him. It turned out unsuccessfully, our captain hit his face on board. Generally, this is a dirty foul. Brightly could well not do this.

- But didn’t you feel that the passions were heating up? Just a little bit, and a fight breaks out.

- No one would have allowed a serious fight. At the World Cup, this is decently punished. You can skip the next game, and nobody needs it. But if we need to fend for ourselves, we will do it.

- Did you like any of the teams that you saw?

“But I have not seen anyone.” We look only excerpts. And of those with whom they played, the Finns liked it.

Alexey Shevchenko

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