Vyacheslav Bykov: “We need to understand that the meeting with Denmark is behind”

The head coach of the Russian national hockey team Vyacheslav Bykov, in an interview with Sport Today, promised that the team will not be in the clouds and will not change the hotel, although the beds in Serebryany Bor are not very comfortable.

- You do not believe in signs? If in one game you score too much, then in other games it may not be enough.

“But we are not on purpose.” The guys were looking for interaction, tried some combinations. And what, say at some point - stop, enough? We are not entitled to do this. It is necessary to continue. Just now the guys need to understand that this meeting is behind. And we must take a step forward.

- It is clear that the players tuned in to the opponent. But at what point did you personally realize that your rival is “plush”?

- I realized that our team has a good reserve. But I would not call the “plush” opponent who plays in Group A of the World Cup. Still, you need to respect the Danes. We just turned out to be stronger today. But at the same time, we do not soar in the clouds after this victory.

- Maybe you are not in the air, but someone is the other way around.

- No, all the guys are professionals. I told them the same words as you: only the first step has been taken.

- Three goals scored in the first four minutes. Can you say that you had a launch assault installation?

- Yes. This is in order to relieve stress. But it was.

- The team did not score a single minute of penalty time. Are you on purpose?

- By the way, the guys got acquainted with the rule changes before the match. They asked how these or those moments would be interpreted. And we, in turn, focused on how the meeting between Ukraine and Finland took place, where there were many deletions.

- Have you watched the previous match at Khodynka?

- Not me - Sergey Nemchinov. In addition, there were several of our spies at this meeting.

- How was the morning meeting with Vladislav Tretyak and Vyacheslav Fetisov?

- We must give them their due and thank them for taking the time to come and support the team. Moreover, they gave parting words as men, and not as bosses. It turned out very sincerely. A friendly meeting, from which everyone received a charge of positive energy.

- Didn’t they say that the Kremlin was behind?

- Not. They themselves are former hockey players. They know what to say.

- You put Ovechkin in the link with Nepryaev. What was the goal?

- We believe that all three have a similar mentality. And towards the end of the match, this manifested itself.

“What about the Malkin link?”

- It feels like the guys are high class. This is visible in every detail.

- The only goal was conceded by a pair of Emelin - Kondratyev, whose game in the previous three meetings raised big questions.

- A goal with a throw-in is a complex element. It’s hard to fight. I would not blame the defense players. Not only they are to blame.

- Goalkeeper Koshechkin?

- To look for the guilty is not in our rules. Everyone can be mistaken, the main thing is to prevent gross blunders. And be able to analyze.

- They told Mozyakin and Korneev that they did not leave anywhere until May 13?

- They train with the team.

“And live with her?”

“Sometimes they stay at the hotel, and sometimes not.” It is necessary to approach the issue correctly. This is not an easy role for the guys. And we must properly dispose of their free time and psychological state. After all, they are also potential candidates.

- Are you satisfied with the conditions in which the team lives?

“Yes, pretty good.” Arrive tomorrow and see for yourself.

- They say that the beds there are not very comfortable.

- Nothing, our guys are healthy.

- The players once complained to the coach and moved to a new hotel.

- No, no, we are all professionals. No one will go anywhere.

Alexey Shevchenko

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