“I don’t have to tell you anything”

At a meeting of the KDK RFU, recent incidents were considered. For the famous tirade dedicated to the work of referees (and clubs with referees), Pavel Pogrebnyak received 4 disqualification matches. “Zenith” was fined 250 thousand rubles. And the decision on the match “Moscow” - CSKA remained unannounced.

“I feel that we will have a very representative day today,” the president of the Professional Football League, Nikolai Tolstykh, smiled when he saw the journalists. According to tradition, punishments are taken in the PFL premises.

“By the way, you keep in mind,” Nikolai Tolstykh gathered the press in a circle. - I have nothing to do with what is happening. I am not a member of the FTC. None of ours are there at all. And then write that he walked down the corridor and influenced the decision.

He looked into everyone's eyes and made sure that no one would draw conclusions from his passage along the corridor. But he walked down the corridor.

About 15 minutes before the start came the head of the College of Football Referees Sergey Zuev. He tried to go unnoticed. But he did not succeed.

“Will you insist on punishment?”

- FTC will decide everything.

“But Pavel insulted your subordinates!”

- FTC will decide.

- And what do you think about the statement of the president of CSKA Eugene Giner, who said that it became worse with you?

Sergei Zuev was already hiding in the room, but for some reason decided to return.

“I won’t do anything,” he declared, thinking.

- Why?

- This is a private opinion of a person. He believes that it has become worse with me. But “Wings of the Soviets” believe that it has become better.

It seems that in Samara they felt the proximity of relegation (two goals in six games). They have no choice but to be loyal.

“Actually, this is an accusation,” said Zuev. - No specifics. What does “everything” mean?

That probably means everything.

Three more people came to the PFL office. Judging by their appearance, one of them was a football player, but was not identified by anyone. We decided to find out who he was and what he did.

- Who you are? And what have you done?

All three were gloomy and taciturn.

- And who are you? And why do you need to know?

“We are journalists,” the reporters introduced themselves.

- And we are the second league. Why would you stoop to league two? - the guests frowned.

So they parted. Later, the arbitrators arrived at the meeting, who gladly explained that the gloomy people from the Orekhovo-Zuevo club. And the footballer is Anatoly Tebloev, who, after the match between the Russian Cup and Zorkim, rushed to the referees. For no reason.

- How much did you get? - asked reporters from Tebloev, who was leaving the PFL building.

“Six,” the footballer smiled, who, having left Alania, could hardly count on any interest in the press.

For three hours, the meeting of the KFK RFU continued. Finally, the head of this organization, Vladimir Katkov, came out and announced the punishment. Pavel Pogrebnyak is suspended for 4 matches of the Cup of Russia, and his club is fined 250 thousand rubles. Each obscene word cost him 0.6 games and 41,666 thousand rubles.

“As a person who does not use these words, I was shocked by Paul’s statement,” Vladimir Katkov explained. And then he confused everyone. - In a good sense of the word.

In addition, it turned out that a huge fine was connected with the fact that Pavel would not be able to miss the next games (the Zenit Cup will not play soon).

Even at a meeting of the KDK RFU, the issue of a skirmish between the players of Moscow and CSKA in the game of the last round was considered. But what they decided remained unknown:

“I don’t have to tell you anything,” said Vladimir Katkov. - Read everything on the official website.

But Pavel Pogrebnyak could comment on this decision.

Alexey Shevchenko

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