Last laugh

Before putting an end to the regular season, the NBA pretty much had fun, having satiated the last one and a half weeks (10.04-18.04) with comical episodes. True, some of them burst into tears.


Kobe Bryant , say, at first was very sad. On Cosmonautics Day, number 24 scored 50 points, but his Lakers lost to competitors from the Clippers. On Friday, the 13th, a defeat from the Phoenix was added. Only having scored 84 (50 + 34) points in a pair of final matches, Kobe retained the team in the playoffs. And in the last fight he even allowed himself to have a good time.


Last week it is difficult to find a player who steadily went to the floor in all the matches held by his team. One of the only ones is Walter Herrmann , about whom we talked about in one of our previous reviews. Feeling that the Argentine had a taste, Charlotte coaches gave him a credit of confidence, and the striker answered with a performance exceeding 20 points and a personal record of 30 points in the Milwaukee ring.

Chasing the week

For the first time, we note not a single match, but a whole series. “Cleveland” and “Chicago” raced wheel to wheel in a strange race, which determined who would get the second place, who - the fifth. All other things being equal, the “tiebreaker” was owned by the “bulls,” but a flat tire rolled in at the finish line of the favorites. After losing the “New Jersey”, the Chicagoans doomed themselves to a meeting with “Miami” in the first round and a likely hit under the “Detroit” in the second. The lucky ones from Cleveland were almost guaranteed to enter the second round - in the first they will be confronted by the orphaned Washington without Arenas and Butler. And at the next step, not everything is so scary - there will be the winner of the Nets - Raptors pair.


At Golden State, everyone knew how much depended on their efforts. A ticket to the playoffs of the “warriors” was played in front of the nose throughout the season, and the guys, like hounds, started racing after her. And, having won the last five matches, they grabbed their teeth on the last day of the regular season, avoiding the early end of the season for the first time in 13 years. By the way, then the Californians also led Don Nelson.


"Tomorrow will be a new day. And now I want to sit on the couch, take a sip of cold beer and enjoy the moment, ” Don Nelson , right after the championship’s final match against Portland.


Goodbye Oklahoma! Hello, Oklahoma? The Hornets will finally return to New Orleans next season, leaving the hospitable Oklahoma City without a professional team. How long? The owners of Seattle, having not achieved the support of the municipal authorities in the construction of a new arena, are ready in 2008 to relocate the club to another place. Oklahoma City is their hometown, so why not send "supersonic" ones there?


So, probably, the famous referee Joya Crawford put an end to his glorious career . Removing the silent man Tim Duncan for two technical things is a rare achievement in itself, but sending him home for a short laugh ...

“Did you tell him something, Timmy?” - “No.” - "Honestly said nothing?" - "No." That was the dialogue of Duncan with the reporter at the entrance to the tunnel. Then, in journalist microphones, Tim, who is not particularly fond of the press, will be pleased to tell that Crawford said: “Do you want to fight with me?” “I have no problems with Joey,” Duncan was surprised. “He has a problem with me.” Wants to fight? Well, that can be arranged. ”

NBA Commissioner David Stern admitted that Duncan’s expulsion was too strict a move and removed Crawford from refereeing for an indefinite period. To which the arbiter noted that he had warned Tim about the consequences and added: “If my employer does not support me, then I have problems. In any case, I’m not ashamed of the years spent in the NBA. ”


04/18/2007. Toronto finally got at least some banner under the arches of the home arena.


If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. In the reporting segment, according to the full program, Jason Collins “lit” the main center “Nets”. The guy spent at least 17 minutes on the court, and the most outstanding match for him in the statistical sense was the match against Washington, in which he added 3 rebounds and 2 block shots to 0 points in 26 minutes, while throwing the ring only once . In just 6 matches, Jason did not score a point, making a total (!) Of 7 rebounds and 3 block shots. His “best” achievement is 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 and 5 fouls in 23 minutes against Indiana. Of course, he defends himself well, puts up good barriers, cuts off the “big ones” from selection. In the end, of these six matches, five Jerseys won. So Collins did everything right.


Alaverdi from Odom - Kobe, in a match against Seattle.

Commentators do not in vain recall Magic Johnson ...


Playoff starts on April 21 - what other questions? Tonight, participating clubs are required to identify 15 people to be included in the application - and let's go!


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