Mark Gandler: “If Semin needs to apologize, he will apologize”

Agent of Alexander Semin, who was expelled from the Russian national team for being late, shared his opinion about this story with the Sport Today correspondent, told how his ward was worried, and was surprised that no one from the national team headquarters got in touch with him.

- They say that Alexander Semin is going to be returned to the Russian team. But for this he must publicly apologize for being late. Do you know anything about this?

“I would only be glad of such news.” But I don’t know anything about it. If they want to return Alexander, we will find ways to do it right.

- How do you feel about what happened? Do you think Alexander’s punishment is fair?

- Of course not. Very surprised by this incident. In my opinion, the coaches of the Russian national team got excited about Sasha. Even if he made a mistake, it is not fatal. If you need to apologize, he will apologize. But the question is not that, but that it is good for everyone. This is an incident, everything happens, you need to forget everything, shake hands and move on. That there were no problems, as with Fedorov or Khabibulin. I would not want the same thing to happen to Semin.

- Sergey Nemchinov claims that Alexander knew on March 10 the plans of the national team. Then why couldn’t he organize his schedule in such a way as to catch the gathering?

- As far as I know, they agreed as follows: Semin should have called Nemchinov upon arrival in Moscow. On April 11, Sasha flew in, tried to get through to him, but could not. Then Alexander sent the trainer an SMS with all his coordinates. But until April 15, Nemchinov never called back. Then Sasha contacted me, worrying about what was happening. I called Igor Tuzik, trying to find out what was happening. Just a few minutes after our conversation with Tuzik, Nemchinov called Semin. I can’t say it, but it seems to me that Tuzik got in touch with Nemchinov, after which he finally called Sasha.

- What did Nemchinov and Semin talk about?

- Sasha said that he doesn’t have time for the morning plane, so he will not be able to be on time for the collection. He was going to arrive by the very closest flight on which he had time, in the evening. But Nemchinov did not like it, he expressed dissatisfaction.

- What happened next?

- Further Semin called me, after which I dialed Tuzik. Igor urged me not to worry, told Semin to call Nemchinov when he arrived in Moscow.

“And he called?”

- Yes. And he learned, either from Nemchinov, or from Bykov, that he was expelled for violation of discipline. Upon learning this, Sasha spent the whole night at the airport. This is not the case. In my opinion, the national team needs more frequent dialogues with overseas players, their agents, but Nemchinov never called me. If he had dialed my number, this would not have happened. They didn’t even send letters to the player personally. But such letters have always been, it is practiced in all teams. I understand that Nemchinov has a lot of worries, but the FHR has enough people to deal with this issue.

- Igor Tuzik is the general manager of the national team. You do not know, they consulted with him when they decided to expel Semin?

- No, Igor told me that no one consulted with him.

- Who, in your opinion, is ultimately to blame for what happened?

- It does not matter who is to blame. It is important that the punishment does not correspond to the crime. And if this issue can be resolved, this must be done.

- You spoke with Semin after his expulsion from the national team?

- Yes. Alexander was very upset. The decision of the coaching staff is not clear to him. In addition, this is a difficult moment for his family. They were going to come to the World Cup, even ordered housing. Sasha bought 10 tickets for each game. This decision crippled his legs. He is not distinguished by violations of discipline, he really wants to play for the national team. And he suffered for the complete lack of sociability between the team and the player. You can’t make such decisions without talking with a hockey player, you must invite him, discuss everything.

- How did you react to this decision in the USA?

- No one in the NHL understood this. Neither the press, nor the owner of Washington. No one.

- Do you think that the absence of Semin will hit the Russian team hard?

- I am not a specialist in the national team, but I know that every player is important in the team. If they hoped for Semin, it would hurt, if not, then no. Everyone knows that Sasha is one of the most technical and talented players in the world. Of course, his presence would help the team.

- If you were in Bykov’s place, would you do the same? Naturally, not being an agent of Alexander.

- Without trial and investigation, such issues cannot be resolved. It is necessary to understand everything properly. There are other penalties besides deductions.

- For example, a fine?

“Precisely, this is a perfectly reasonable punishment.” In place of Bykov, I would meet with the player, look him in the eye to understand whether he came to work or have fun, to raise his prestige. After that, he would determine what the hockey player wants, what his goals are, then he would issue a verdict. But he certainly would not have expelled him immediately from the national team. By the way, one well-known Russian football leader (let’s not specify who exactly) called me and expressed his indignation. FHR, he said, does not appreciate the fact that Russia has so many fantastic, gifted players. In football, there are none at all, but in hockey they are not cherished.

- Do you think this whole story will affect Alexander Ovechkin, Washington’s comrade Semin?

- Hard to say. But I know that when Ovechkin comes out on the ice, he will do everything for the team that he is capable of. I don’t know how the absence of Semin will affect his psychological state. Of course, he would be better off with him. But I will not speak out for Ovechkin himself.

- Do not you think that now the Russian players from the NHL will be even less willing to come to the team?

- You know, I received several calls, both from my clients and from other hockey players. They all asked for Sasha’s phone. And everyone was at a loss, did not believe that this was true.

- Your attitude towards Bykov changed after this incident?

- I am very surprised that neither Bykov nor Nemchinov ever called me. Therefore, a positive solution to the issue does not interest them. Moreover, they also did not call me about my other clients. But Bykov said that they are candidates for the national team.

- Semin did not tell you whether he will continue to play for the national team?

- There was no time for such conversations. Semin is a calm person, not vindictive. Now he is in very serious condition, he has a serious mental trauma. And what happened cannot but be postponed for future relations. And yet I believe that we need to think about tomorrow, we need to play for the Russian team.

- Even if Bykov is the coach?

- Yes. Everyone has the right to make a mistake. You must be a patriot, give the country everything you can. After all, she raised you.

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