Maxim Kalinichenko: “We drank one hundred grams with Kovalevsky for Euro 2012”

Spartak midfielder in an interview with Sport Today correspondent expressed surprise at the words of Pavel Pogrebnyak, and also explained that he was prompting young partners.

- Pavel Pogrebnyak commented on the work of the referees. And he said that Spartak is working with the judges. What do you say to that?

- I have nothing to say obscenities. If you really swear in the flash zone, it is better not to say anything at all.

- And how do you like the match?

- We played for the result. And they achieved a favorable outcome.

- How did you try to play?

- As strictly as possible in defense.

- Happened?

- Something happened, but something didn’t. But, given the busy schedule of games, we achieved a normal result.

- Was it difficult to replace Yegor Titov?

- I didn’t think about who I was going out for. But I wanted to help the guys. It’s hard to play with ten men against Peter.

- Now in “Spartak” there are a lot of young people. You told her all the time. What exactly?

- According to the game. I didn’t yell at anyone. Everything about the case.

- And how are young people?

- Absorb.

- Zenit progressing in matches with Spartak? His results are getting better .

- But today we did not score a penalty. Sanya Prudnikov forgave them at the end. If we had all we could, you would say that Zenit is regressing. But in fact it is a very strong, good team, which is on the way to becoming.

- Was the fact that Ukraine and Poland got the right to host the European Championship added to your mood?

- I do not think that this affected my game. It hardly helped. But in general, the news pleased. Wojciech and I hugged, kissed, drank a hundred grams before the game. Everything is fine.

- What drank: bison or vodka?

- Fifty fifty.

- Spartak again did not score a penalty ...

- The next breakdown is me.

- Is something serious with Titov?

- He walks with difficulty.

- Will you have to play the next match without him?

- Probably.

- Will the team game change dramatically?

- We will try so that nothing changes. But it is difficult to overestimate the loss of Titov.

- Will the semi-final against Lokomotiv be difficult?

- Traditional.

- In the finals, do you want to meet with Bryansk?

- I will not say anything.

Alexey Shevchenko

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