“Previously, Radimov played the ball in the middle of the field, and everyone else ran forward”

Igor Shalimov about the two “Zeniths” and the unlucky “Dynamo”, the invariability of the Big Four, hopes for “Moscow” and CSKA understandable in the examination of the 5th round of the championship of Russia.


Before the start of the tour, it was difficult to name his main meeting. In theory, this is Zenit - Dynamo, since Peter claims to be the champion, and Dynamo ... Dynamo is, after all, a Moscow club, and besides, it recently beat Lokomotiv. The only doubt about the centrality, so to speak, of the match was dictated by the fact that Dynamo had no ambitions for this season. But outweighed the attention to the “Zenith”, caused by his unsuccessful start. Even those who are not rooting for Zenit wondered when this super club, after major investments and high-profile statements, would finally sparkle. As a result, the match turned out to match the status of the nail: the struggle, tension, many points and three goals. This was the case when the meeting, which was previously called the most important, met expectations. This is not always the case.


Failure should recognize not only the results of “Zenith” in the first rounds, but also the game. In the match against Dynamo, despite the victory, she did not improve. If we compare the current football team with the game of the times of Petrzhela, then under the Czech coach were higher than speed, especially at home. I remember, before, one Radimov played the ball in the middle of the field, all the others ran forward, opened to the flanks, and there were fast forwards ahead. But now the picture is completely different. Zenit has more point guard players, and only extreme backs, Kim Don Jin and Anyukov, can connect on the edge. But for now, they are not doing this very convincingly. I thought Dominguez would act on the flanks, but he also plays the ball through the center. But on the side of St. Petersburg there was a fortune, because Dynamo had dangerous moments both at 0-0 and 1-0.


In our championship, the “Big Four” conditionally exists. She is constantly on the first lines of the table, and clubs from her claim to be the champion. At first, Zenit and Lokomotiv fought off this four. But the fifth round showed that sooner or later the first four places will be occupied by all the same teams. Although it is difficult to say in what order, and even more so, how the seats will be distributed after the 30th round. To claim a lot, you need to have a certain margin of safety and competently distribute forces over the entire distance. After all, it often happens that a team that unexpectedly leads the table at the beginning of a tournament is blown away and falls at some point. In our championship there were many such examples. These clubs fell precisely because they lacked stamina, power, class players, the reserve was not strong enough - as a result, long-term leaders overtook them. As far as I understand, the same thing will happen this year. In the last round, Lokomotiv and Zenit showed that even with a game that has not yet been fully completed, they can take three points. Very soon, game interactions in these clubs will become better, and we will see them again in the first places.


The fact that Moscow did not lose in Kazan is expensive. Even though Rubin already has three defeats and a place in the basement of the table, Moscow clubs will give him points and lose. Five rounds passed, and “Moscow” conceded only one goal, and that one because of an annoying mistake. So far, this club seems to me the only one who can squeeze someone out of the Big Four. Only whom - that is the question. For now, I can confidently say that the club of Leonid Slutsky will not supplant CSKA leaders. The army team once again has everything to be considered favorites. The composition is stable, the team is playing. And, very importantly, it’s clear how he plays. You can’t say the same about other clubs.

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