White stripe

The dominance of the "black Tyson" in world professional boxing is over. White came to replace them. It is such a nickname - White Tyson - that the Uzbek heavyweight Ruslan Chagaev wears, who on Saturday will try to take the WBA champion belt from Russian Nikolai Valuev.

The upcoming match, which will be held in Stuttgart, Germany, without exaggeration, can be called historical. For the first time, two heavyweight boxers from an ex-Soviet school will meet each other in a battle for the champion's title.

When, more than a year ago, Nikolai Valuev won the world champion’s belt, having defeated the American John Ruiz in a stubborn battle, many considered this victory undeserved and excitedly predicted the imminent fall of the Russian Giant. The arguments were all the same - white, and even more so immigrants from the former USSR, could never become their own on this American holiday of life. There is no arguing against traditions. And even the successes of the Klitschko brothers convinced few. But at the end of last year, another white, Uzbek Ruslan Chagaev, again defeated the same Ruiz and became a mandatory contender for Valuev’s belt. Traditions by traditions, but no arguing against trends.

Attention to the champion in this fight, of course, more. Some with bated breath consider the victories of Nicholas, the number of which may soon exceed the record of the legendary Rocky Marciano (49 victories in all 49 matches held), while others persistently await Valuev’s defeat, insisting on his incapacity.

The fight with Chagaev is a good opportunity for Valuev not only to win the 47th victory in the professional ring, but also to reduce the number of his critics. The 28-year-old boxer from Uzbekistan, constantly living and training in Germany, is objectively the most powerful and dangerous opponent of Nikolai since the fight with Ruiz. His career (22 wins - 17 by knockout, 1 draw) is in its prime. The German promoter Chagaev Klaus-Peter Kohl very professionally led the client to the title fight, not risking to put him against the elite class fighters, but increasing their level from battle to battle. Ruslan fought confidently and effectively. Most of his victories were won by knockout in the first half of the battle, which indicates an excellent blow.

In November last year, the moment of truth came for Chagaev - he had to fight John Ruiz in the battle for the title of mandatory contender for the WBA championship belt. And Ruslan won this battle largely due to the right tactics - to hit not often, but precisely and powerfully. As a result, two judges awarded Chagaev a victory with a score of 117: 111 and 116: 112, and another decided that Ruiz was stronger - 115: 114.

“Chagaev really is Colin’s most dangerous rival in recent times,” Valuev coach Manvel Gabrielyan told Sport Today. he’ll stand further from Valuyev’s right hand and will not be able to get into his armpit in case of danger, as almost all the rivals of our champion do. Also, Ruslan is not too fast and he will not be able to put pressure on Kolya, . Straw is likely to depart, the applicant chooses the same tactics as in the fight with Ruiz - do not look for trouble, but the fortunate situation to earn points accurate and powerful blows dotyanet If, of course. ".


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