"We take casts from the ears"

The defeat from Dynamo still infuriated the always courteous Lokomotiv coach Anatoly Byshovets. At a press conference, he refused to answer questions. But the players of his team are not as depressed as before.

The bus "Locomotive" drove to the very exit of the locker room. Journalists were afraid that now the railway workers, saddened by the defeat, would quickly slip into the passenger compartment, shutter the windows and silently survive another failure.

There it was. Several football players eagerly responded to requests for an interview. They understand, probably, a little more, and they will go to their matches only when necessary. And then: once it’s unpleasant to lose, but then you get used to it.

But Byshovets was not in himself. He walked rather quickly to the press center and watched indifferently as numerous microphones were placed in front of him. Everything fell, there was noise, but the coach did not even smile.

They wanted to wait for Andrei Kobelev, but Byshovets objected:

“I'll tell you quickly.”

That is, he no longer wanted to see the student. Raised on his head.

“I would like to start our press conference and immediately finish it,” he announced the plan. And then he explained why he chose this tactic of communication.

- This is the same as in the game, which we ended after Rodolfo left and the incomprehensible removal of Fininho. I think it makes no sense to comment further. It’s only a pity that we ran into personnel problems.

Byshovets already got up to leave, but then added:

- Let's hope that the best matches are ahead.

Andrey Kobelev did not say anything interesting. It was noticeable that he was overwhelmed with emotions. He could not help smiling and had every right to do so. From excitement, he even praised himself, answering the question why Pimenov plays so cool:

- He adds every time. But all this is laid in training.

And during the match there was a curious episode. Linesman Tikhon Kalugin raised the flag, fixing the offside position, and stood there like that for two minutes, waiting for Yuri Baskakov to pay attention to him. I immediately wanted to find out where the notorious walkie-talkies were at 6000 euros per set, which they promised to buy back to the last round.

“We're taking casts from our ears,” explained CFA director Sergei Zuev.

Probably, you also need to stake out the right frequency. For some to hear.

And, of course, it is worth noting the fans. Lokomotiv fans unfolded a banner on which it was possible to read: 200 + 00. It turned out to be two hundred plus infinity. The message was addressed to Sergei Gurenko, who conducted the two hundredth match. Fans even shook the banner with the image of a football player. At first, however, it seemed that this was a portrait of Byshovets.

But Dynamo fans noted that they sent players to an unpleasant address known to everyone. Moreover, even when the ball was owned by the players of their team. Victory 2: 1 over Loko is not satisfied?

Alexey Shevchenko

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