Vasily Koshechkin: “Bykov is a person with understanding”

The goalkeeper of the Russian national hockey team Vasily Koshechkin never admitted that Vyacheslav Bykov told him after refusing to play at one of the stages of the Eurotour. But he assured that now he will always come to the national team.

Journalists decided to catch Vasily Koshechkin immediately after leaving the training room to ask some important questions.

“Well, let me change some clothes,” the good-natured giant politely asked.

Probably, in the hope that he will not wait, the goalkeeper came out of the locker room one of the last. When he saw the press, he laughed as a small child rejoices on his beloved cartoon on television. Children's, immediate laugh. The first question they tried to bring down a good mood:

- Vasily, it is known that you missed one of the stages of the Eurotour, refusing to come to the team. Vyacheslav Bykov said that you had a conversation with him about this. What were you talking about?

Koshechkina made it even more laughable.

“Well, you ask such questions,” he said with difficulty, looking at the partners from Lada, who probably made funny faces to him. “I have nothing to say about this.”

- And you refused to play for the national team?

“No,” Vasily began to look at the floor and lead with one foot, drawing a circle. Journalists closely watched these movements. It was still not enough to get injured in such an absurd way. - It was just the last ... in general, the championship was ending. It was necessary to rest. And on the national team everything was decided on the last day. So I ... Well, you understand.

Koshechkin froze. Everyone took a breath.

“Are you probably tired now too?” After all, the long season is over.

“No, fine,” the goalkeeper suddenly perked up. “I had two weeks to rest.” Recovered.

Feeling that the tension subsided, the goalkeeper was again asked a not-too-pleasant question.

- Was the conversation with Bykov tough or not? He understood and forgave you?

“Well, I will not answer this question,” Koshechkin laughed again. - I will not, do not.

The Lada players, who listened to the dialogue, were actually “lying”, clutching their bellies. However, it didn’t reach hysteria.

“Are your problems behind now?”

- Yes, behind. There was nothing wrong with that. Vyacheslav Bykov is a person with understanding.

- Now in Russia a difficult situation with goalkeepers. Are you ready, if anything, to take responsibility?

- I do not know. But if they trust, I will try. In any case, I will not play alone, but the whole team. And only together we are able to win.

- Everyone is waiting for Nikolai Khabibulin to agree or disagree. And many believe that the way the team will play at the World Cup will depend on this. Does it bother you as one of the goalkeepers?

“I don't know how to relate to this.” Indifferent, most likely. There are people who deal with this issue. Perhaps Khabibulin is the strongest goalkeeper. He performs in the NHL ... His team does not get into the playoffs.

Vasily giggled with pleasure.

- Have you seen his matches?

- I watched in the reviews. Liked.

Now he laughed, not hiding.

- What exactly?

- He moves very well at the goal.

- Why is it missing so much?

- I do not know. Everyone is doing their job, playing as they can.

- Agree that you did not play very well in the playoffs against CSKA ...

The goalkeeper nodded hastily.

- ... This is due to the fact that you wanted to prove something to Vyacheslav Bykov and were nervous?

- Yes, it was not connected in any way, it just happened. But unsuccessfully ... I have no explanation.

“Do you stay at Lada?”

- I do not know. I have a valid contract, but I haven’t decided anything yet. Everything will depend on what will be done with big hockey in Togliatti. We were actually assured that everything would be fine. We'll see. Much will depend on the coach, who will be appointed to the club.

Alexey Shevchenko

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