Anton Ponkrashov: "Ave Coach!"

A young Russian defender told Sport Today that he’s still getting used to living in the ranks of the Euroleague basketball champions, admitted that he obeys the coach implicitly and is grateful to him for the nickname “Baryshnikov”.

Anton Ponkrashov says everything very correctly. This is probably what the average student of Ettore Messina, the coach who strives for excellence in everything and does not miss the little things, should sound like that. But to call the words of a 20-year-old basketball player banal language does not turn. Because their reproduction is accompanied by a burning look, convincing - the phrases are thought out, the thoughts are sincere.

- Having lived as a CSKA player for almost a season, we can say that you are in a different world. What is he like for you?
- Not yet really got used to it. I think the adaptation process has not yet been completed.
When I moved to Moscow, to be honest, I was a little afraid. A team of a different level, a higher class, because I had to get used to a lot. He began a completely different period in his life, but now I have absolutely no regrets about anything.

- Can you divide this period into ... "sub-periods"?
- (Thinking about it). Perhaps it will not work. I tried all the time to work in training, to understand what Ettore Messina required of me. After all, you need to prove the right to go to the site.

- Here you were a little-known promising player in St. Petersburg “Spartak” and “youth team”, and you became the defender of CSKA and the Russian team. Do you feel that there are a lot of expectations on you, that your attention has grown?
“I would not say that.” Still, I concentrate on my work. I know that many people consider the transition to CSKA a step back, they say, I spend less time on the site, the statistics are not so great. But those who understand basketball know that the main thing is not to score points or earn numbers in the minutes. The game of our team differs from the others in that it requires from each not something supernatural, but simply a clear fulfillment of their duties. You just need to give a pass on time, work hard in defense - and you already get satisfaction from basketball.

- How do you characterize the relationship with the coach? It is unlikely that Ettore Messina treats everyone the same?
- I’ll say that I never had such a coach. Messina is an indisputable authority. I always try to do exactly what he suggests. It is difficult to single out something special.

- The story with “Baryshnikov” in what way influenced you?
- In the end, the coach didn’t call anyone anyhow. Compared with a great man, a genius of not just world ballet, but also world culture. Therefore, it was not worth it to be offended. As for that moment, there must have been a recession in my game, probably caused by some complacency. And the coach wanted to cheer me up, get me started. You know, I'm generally an emotional person, and such moments make me boil, climb out of my skin. Thanks to Nikita Zagadu for blowing this out of me ... I really started up really well and got additional motivation. He began to fight even harder for coaching trust.

“Any other funny epithets from Messina’s mouth addressed to you?”
- I don’t remember something funny. Of us, Tolik Kashirov gets more than the rest, his Messina is very fun to parody - with facial expressions, gestures, movements. It’s a pity the words can’t explain it.

- Messina says that for the progress of a young player it is important not so much the confidence of the coach as the respect of the partners. It seems that you are gradually earning it. Does it help?
- Actually, for me, the trust of the coach still comes first. Those who played basketball, understand how important it is to have the right to go on the court, to influence the result. In my work, this is the main incentive. As for the partners, they are just magnificent with me. Such a team, as in CSKA, have not met anywhere. We all have a mountain for each other, joking, supporting, if something goes wrong, they will slam the priest, they say, do not be upset. In general, no problem.

- Honestly, at the beginning of the season it seemed that the coaches released you on the site, rather, for the sake of formality, to make the young kid feel the game. And now everything has changed. And your usual playmaker responsibilities are trusted more and more.
- I am glad that the Messina coach gives me the opportunity to try a lot, find my position. We do not have a clear separation - depending on the scheme, each one can perform different functions. It was difficult for me to count on getting a lot of time as a point guard. Nevertheless, in this role we have world-class basketball players - Papaloukas, Holden, Vanterpool. For me, young, to claim something would be excessive self-confidence.

- What do you think, what during your stay in CSKA Moscow added the most? Somehow I want to say that in the cast - the mechanics and confidence in the performance became noticeably better.
- And in my opinion, most of all I am progressing here (points to the head). The game began to understand much better. Making decisions has become faster - and this is exactly what our team is stronger than its rivals in.

“It also seems that you got infected from Papaloukas with his signature broadcast.” Theo loves to get into the thick of the players, jump out, and there already understand, throw or give. In children's schools, they unscrew the head for such a thing, but Papas is doing great ...
- Actually, I always gave such passes. It seems to me that this happened in St. Petersburg even more often. As a rule, I was higher than my rivals, so I used it. And in general he loved all sorts of tricky programs - behind his back, with twists. Let them pass, maybe six out of seven. Now, in CSKA, I can not afford this. I strive, rather, to give it easier, faster. It comes out more reliable and, most often, more effective.

- In the summer, you will obviously come to the Russian team. Moreover, in a completely different quality ...
- I would like, of course. I wish my native team every success, I hope to get into it, but so far all my thoughts are connected with CSKA.

- At age 20, many players become stars. LeBron James, won, and at the age of 18 began to “light”. You still bear the label of promising ...
- 20 years is not age. Yes, and each in life turns out differently. Now it’s generally fashionable to talk about aspiration in the NBA. And in general, I would like to test my strength in matches with these very stars. Of course, our autumn meetings with the Clippers and Philadelphia provided such an opportunity, but not to the full extent - the Americans then arrived in Europe sort of disassembled. It is a dream - to meet the same LeBron James, with the US national team in full combat force, to understand what you are really capable of.


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