In company with Lemieux and Aizerman

Not so long ago it was. Year 1988. Recent Olympics of the Soviet Union. Football gold Byshovets, and hockey - Tikhonov. Everyone who found that time has their own associations, and not necessarily sports ones. And in that 1988, Minnesota North Stars chose Mike Modano in a draft under the first number. Which last week, first scored the 500th puck, and then added three more to them and became the best American sniper in the history of the NHL.

It was the third and so far the last number in the club’s history. After moving to Dallas, the Stars never fell so low as to get a chance for a fourth attempt. And the most successful choice is without question. Competitors - Bobby Smith and Brian Lawton - lose. One - just a little: made an impressive career in the NHL and won the Stanley Cup, but not with Minnesota. He simply can’t stand another comparison, because he was only remembered for being the first American to receive the first number in the draft. The second (American, not number) was just Modano.

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At that time, Lu Nunn, the General Manager of Minnesota, commented on draft 88 as follows: “In the first round, we chose Mike Modano. We have very high hopes for him. This guy will become a key player in the club for many years, we will build a team around him and expect to make great progress. Therefore ... in the second round, we had to take Link Getz, so that he would protect our future and everyone who dared to encroach on him would show Kuzkin’s mother where the crayfish and other interesting but unhealthy things winter. Therefore ... in the third round, we needed to get a good lawyer who would be able to constantly “otmazyvat” Link, after he does with those who encroached on Mike, everything that can. ”

Such a joker was this Lu Nunn, who played in Minnesota ten years before the events described. Despite the quotation marks, this, of course, is not a quote, but a very free retelling. And the story is more about Getz than about Modano. But a good story, right? Why not remember? This same Getz, by the way, by that time had already decently scattered and had a very widespread fame of a scandalous nature. Only in the NHL he did not work out - Modano was guarded by other people. And it’s not at all because lawyers are not chosen in the draft.

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One way or another, Nunn did not guess with the bodyguard, but not with the star. Modano really became for Minnesota, and then Dallas, a player for many years. And it was around him that the North Stars were built, shrinking with moving to just the Stars.

Mike immediately became his team. I did not get lost in the company of such eminent players as Brian Bellows, Neil Brothen, Mike Gartner, Larry Murphy, Dave Gagnier. And if he owned the Calder Trophy, if only one Soviet veteran hadn’t appeared in the NHL in the same year. Yes, Sergey Makarov. And so it turned out that the 31-year-old uncle was ahead of the 19-year-old boy. As you know, precisely because of this precedent, an age qualification was introduced for beginners later. But “Calder” was not taken away from the legend of Soviet hockey in favor of Modano. In consolation, however, The Hockey News, the most respected publication in North America, called Modano the best newcomer. But this recognition, of course, had no material embodiment.

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Of course, he is not the most brilliant player in NHL history. And today, at 36, he does not go in the scorers. But all the past eighteen years in the League spent in one team. And became her symbol. Like Mario Lemieux for Pittsburgh. Like Steve Aiserman for Detroit. Decent company.

This season cannot be called successful for Mike. He lost the captain's badge to Brendan Morrow. Healed injuries. Played not very productively. And this is especially disappointing after last year's renaissance.

In the first post-championship championship, Modano seemed younger. He seemed to fly over the site like 10-15 years ago. He was always distinguished, first of all, by skating. This is then the stroke, throw and other attributes of a big player. Just how he moves around the site, even without directly participating in the game episodes, you can watch without stopping. He is not at all ashamed to apply the definition of “skater,” and in such a definition there will not be a bit of neglect with which this word is usually used in relation to hockey players. Because he rides really just magically. But at the same time, all other skills necessary for a good player are fully present.

Maybe he is not the most successful sniper. Not the most talented planner. And at the “point” he is far from Brind´Amor. But not one of the components is sagging. Therefore, a symbol. Therefore, in company with Lemieux and Aizerman. Yes, and 500 goals (or rather, already 503) - this is an indicator. 36th in history, 9th of the acting.

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Not the most widely known fact: Modano is a co-owner of the Texas Tornado team, serving in the Junior North American League (NAHL). And his Tornado, by the way, in 2004 became the champion of the USA. So, as a co-owner, he is quite successful. Perhaps this will encourage him to some kind of managerial or even coaching job after retirement. Why is it worse, for example, Garth Snow?

However, it’s too early for him to rest. If Aizerman and even Lemmeier, who was pretty crippled in their lives, played before the age of forty, then Mike was in no hurry to rush. In addition, the term of his current contract expires only in 2010. And 600 is even more attractive. And why not add at least one more to the champion ring of the 99th ninth number of Stars? For example, in 2009. Today's “Dallas” does not impress the team, which is absolutely beyond the power to take the Cup.

So we still admire his magical skating. Yes, even if not as magical as five to ten years ago. We all are not getting younger.

Alexey BELOV, “Football. Hockey"

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