Denis Grebeshkov: “I do not want to go to Omsk for the fifth match”

The most intriguing series of the quarter-finals of the playoffs between Avangard and Lokomotiv moves to Yaroslavl with a score of 1-1. And quite naturally, the desire to take an interest in the participants' impressions of the first two matches of the series. The management of the Omsk club imposed a ban on communication with the press until the end of the playoffs. But the defender of “Locomotive” Denis Grebeshkov gladly talked to the correspondent of “Sport today.”

- Denis, do you agree that your series in the quarter-finals is the most interesting? Today they already say that the winner of your pair will be the main contender for gold medals after Ak Bars.

- I think that our series is really the most interesting. This can be seen in the game, in tension, in equal measure. In general, our couple is fully consistent with the playoffs. And it is quite natural that the winner of this series can rightfully claim gold.

- What can you say about your opponent?

- What can I say? Vanguard is a very good team, balanced in all lines. Omsk players play great in attack. Especially great they get the majority draw. The team has several fake brand combinations. And the defense of Avangard is also not the weakest point. So the opponent is more than worthy.

- Let's get back to the first match. You started well, led, controlled the game. So why did you lose?

- I believe that to some extent the bullet sold by Pavel Rosa broke us. In addition, Omsk played at home, with the support of native stands. And at some point the “Vanguard” gathered and turned the tide of the meeting. In this situation, I do not think that we have missed something. Just Omsk added and naturally won.

- Or maybe the “Vanguard” was just lucky? One Koltsov puck is worth it.

- Of course, fortune also played an important role in that victory. But this is normal, someone was more fortunate, someone less.

- How did Paul Gardner behave after the defeat?

- He was quite positive, urged the guys not to lose heart, not to lower their heads. He said that we have a great team and everything will be fine.

- You, as a representative of defense, probably always blame yourself for the washers?

- Of course. Naturally, I wanted to play better in defense ... Unfortunately, it did not work out. But we hope to rehabilitate in Yaroslavl.

- Wait, but you have already rehabilitated by winning the second match.

- This, of course, is very cool. The second game was of great importance to us. We won, scoring two very quick goals at the beginning of the meeting, and equalized in the series. In fact, they deprived the opponent of the advantages of their site.

- In your opinion, how important was goalkeeper's castling in your victory?

- Yegor has a huge experience that is simply necessary in the playoffs. So, probably, replacing the goalkeeper played in our favor. But Semen Varlamov would not blame the defeat in the first match.

- You have already mentioned two quick goals in the second meeting. Do you understand how you did it?

- I do not even know. It just so happened. Of course, there was an element of luck. Although, I would say, we were initially more serious. There are many reasons: maybe this game meant much more to us, or maybe Omsk relaxed a bit after the first victory. I do not know. But somehow everything was easy for us in the second match. Yes, “Vanguard” failed to start the meeting, and this is entirely on his conscience. But then Omsk played in full force.

- One way or another, now the intrigue spun nowhere else. In your opinion, did the second match in Omsk become decisive in your series?

- I think yes. I know for sure that in Yaroslavl the “Vanguard” will have a very difficult time.

- But the fans will drive you forward. And during the attack, the rear is often exposed ...

- Nah. I would say that we have the right fans in Yaroslavl. They only help us, and even the guys from other teams admit that in Yaroslavl it is very difficult to play against Lokomotiv.

- It turns out that on Friday and Saturday you intend to solve all the questions about the winner of the pair?

- Of course. I do not want to go to Omsk for the fifth match.

- Judging by your peppy voice, in Yaroslavl the fans will see a great battle.

- Mandatory ( laughs ). I guarantee this.


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