Evgeny Varlamov: “I’ll better not score it myself, but I won’t give it to my opponent”

After the match with Sibir, in which Magnitogorsk won a second victory and took the lead in a 2–0 series, the defender of the hosts Evgeny Varlamov, of course, was in a good mood. He spoke of his opponent with respect, but without the indulgence inherent in the winners.

- Oh, and it was not easy for you. What yesterday, what today.

- Yeah. You are right, the games were very difficult. Especially today. We have created a lot of moments. I don’t know why they didn’t immediately realize them. But all is well that ends well. You yourself know, the strongest are lucky. So, we were a little stronger - today and yesterday.

- Do you think this is an important victory from a psychological point of view? Will she help you in Novosibirsk or further in the semifinals?

- Of course. We “burned” 0: 1 and pulled out such a difficult match, won a strong-willed victory! The guys, though tired, but everyone is happy.

- In what mood will Metallurg go to Novosibirsk now?

- The mood is already fighting, nobody wants to go on vacation. And even after such a victory, no one will have to be set up. They themselves heard what was happening now in the locker room (standing ovations and cries of "Well done!"). All with smiles, but no one relaxes.

- In your opinion, how did you manage to win two victories? Siberia proved to be a tough nut.

- Only due to dedication. At the end of this meeting, we were a little lucky, but I will not say that we won due to fortune. In my opinion, it was Siberia that was lucky, because we had many moments, of which only two were realized. If it were not for the obvious luck of the opponent, the game did not work so hard. I hope that the implementation will not be lame when we play in Novosibirsk.

- There are no weak opponents in the playoffs. But nevertheless, with whom was it easier to play - with the HC MVD or with Siberia?

- I clearly remember that it was more difficult to tune in matches with the HC MVD. Nevertheless, according to the results of the regular season, the team took only 13th place, and the flu that was rampant there - all this left its mark. They didn’t take their captain Chupin to Magnitogorsk at all. And those who arrived played on injections. With "Siberia" the situation is different. Everything is set up, eyes are burning. But, I repeat, we still leave much to be desired for the realization of the moments. We play just great, but we can’t score. We will work and hope for the best.

- You started your career as a striker, although now you are rarely involved in an attack. Why?

- Well, it's a thing of the past. Today I am a defender. Therefore, my direct duties are defense. And if I expose the rear, then I risk being guilty of a missed goal - suddenly no one will insure me. Now there is a playoff, which means that every goal is worth its weight in gold. And every mistake can become fatal. I’d better not score, but I won’t let the opponent score.

- Well, what can you say about Alexander Seluyanov, whom fans have long nicknamed the “forward Seluyanov”?

- (Laughs). The correct nickname. Seluyanov likes to connect and knows how, and not bad. In addition, he knows that he will surely be insured by the center forward of the link in which he plays - be it Kaygorodov, Korolev or anyone else. And Alexander’s speed is high. If anything, it will accelerate and catch up with almost anyone. Therefore, he goes on the attack so boldly.

- Was it difficult to play three pairs of defenders in the first meeting? Only seven of you were announced, and here is Bulin’s fine match.

- Yes, six defenders - it's still not seven. But in hockey, fights happen quite often. And for them they give deletions until the end of the game, what can you do. You understand, you had to go out on the ice more often, but we have such a job, and there’s no getting away from it. But Bulin was not blamed for his act. On the contrary, everyone cheered, they said, they say, he did everything right, he didn’t let the team down.

- What was the difference between “Siberia” yesterday and today?

- On the one hand, nothing, despite the fact that the head coach of the guests made significant adjustments to the composition - a whole five new players appeared. On the other hand, the striker who did not play in the first match (Anshakov) scored a goal today. So, there are still differences. Sibir held both matches in the same vein - from defense, trying to escape in a counterattack. And so it happened today in the second period - they ran away and scored, albeit a slightly illogical goal from a negative angle. Faces have changed, but the game’s drawing has remained the same.

Kirill CHEREPANOV, Magnitogorsk

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