"Sammy is capable of more than statistics says about him."

Montreal striker Sergei Samsonov through the eyes of fans discussing the game of a Russian hockey player on the club’s website’s forum.

An interesting detail: most people evaluate Samsonov’s game according to statistics, and only a few are interested in the quality of this game. No one pays attention to the fact that Sammi is not included in the "majority brigade" and sometimes finds himself in defensive units. A great player is forced to fight for a level of trust. Why? Because the coaches from the beginning of the season restrict his freedom of action, do not want to see who he is. Look through the records of the games and you will understand: Sammy is capable of more than statistics says about him ... Habs Dynasty

I say this every year: give time to new players. They need it to join the team, feel confident and show everything that they are capable of. Give Samsonov playing time! Sammi is a great player! The time of the playoffs will come, and its potential will be absolutely necessary ... gumper

Sammi has a good +/- indicator, while he has a lot less penalty than the highly paid Koivu and Kovalev. Sergei is not bad at defensive hockey, especially considering that he is not one of those who must defend himself. All around they just say: “non-team player”, “not enough hardness”. And recently - "ignores the game model Carbonno and therefore sits on the bench." He is only guilty of disagreeing with Carbonneau. So let's put another 15 players on the bench who did not agree before Samsonov, including the entire first five ... yukoner

The only way to get more playing time is to look better in defense and score more. It is not easy if you are not particularly trusted. But probably. Sergey should give all the best for 110 percent in each shift and hope that the coach will pay attention to him. And maybe only then they will give him more time on the ice ... rigatony

Samsonov asked for an exchange and provided Bob Gainey with a list of ten clubs he would like to be in. Gainey contacted everyone, but not a single one showed interest ... JL

Today Sergey does not score even 30 goals per season and does not demonstrate everything that he is capable of. 3.5 million is too much for him. It seems to me that the price of Sammi is 2-2.5 million, even when it shows the best game ... FanOf27

Wading to the goal and scoring is not the same thing. You should not expect a game on Piglet from Sammi in anticipation of a rebound or traffic creation in front of the goalkeeper. It is much better for him to get to the gate and help score goals for his partners. He does this quite often: owning the puck, runs along the side, crawls out into the center and does not throw himself, but again rolls back to the side and looks for his own to give a pass and create a very dangerous moment. Bob Gainey took Samsonov for being a special player, not like everyone else. Sammi finds open ice, has a fantastic pass and quick hands. And still I want him to throw more often ... Jigger

This guy said he no longer wants to be in Montreal. Even if he had scored 50 goals in the last 20 matches, I still would not want to see him here. Nothing personal, but the interests of the player cannot be higher than the interests of the team ... Miltie01

The efforts have finally borne fruit! Ong scored and after the game looked like he won a million dollars in the lottery. Everyone, including injured players, clapped him on the shoulder in the locker room and hallway. And Sammy's smile could be seen per kilometer. It was a game dictated by Samsonov. I think Carbonno should give Sammy more time in the next match. If he does not, then the monument erected today can be demolished ... jzun00

Quotes taken from Montreal Canadiens Fans Forum

Prepared by Nikita BEREZHKOV

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