Peter Bystrov: “The feeling that you are playing on the beach”

FC Moscow midfielder Pyotr Bystrov criticized the citizens ’home field and predicted that a break in the championship would not affect his team too much, which had not yet lost a point in the championship.

- How do you like the match against Tom?

- All our meetings with the club from Tomsk are tense. This was no exception.

- From the side it did not seem that you were very tense to get three points.

- Just scored two quick goals. Because of this, in the second half it was easier.

- Tell me, Peter, are you familiar with the fair play traditions? When one of the opponents lies on the grass, it is better to knock the ball out of bounds. And then anything can happen.

- I know I know. But in the episode you are talking about, I did not see a fallen player. That's why he finished it.

- “Moscow” does not miss in two games in a row. Is everything all right with the defense?

- It is too early to talk about this. Season will show. Only two rounds passed.

- But the match against Tomi turned out better than the game in Vladivostok. Do you agree?

- These are different matches. Still, in the first meeting, we were affected by the flight, the time difference. Of course, it was harder in the Far East. Much harder. At home, with your fans it’s easier. Tried to be more aggressive. This brought the result.

- At the end of the game, the players sought to “break” each other. And they did not hide it. What happened

- Nerves.

- How do you like the field?

- If on a five-point system, then “three with a minus”.

- At least it was better than in Vladivostok?

- Well, yes, quite even. But still they poured a lot of sand. It feels like playing on the beach. Heavy.

- Now in the championship there will be a pause. She won't do any harm?

“I don't think so.” We will work in Moldova. And we will go out on the third round with renewed vigor, with fresh football.

- And what to work on? Six points after two rounds ...

- The coach will find what. He will analyze the mistakes that we made.

- Further on the calendar, you are not the most difficult opponents. Any plan for scoring points?

- What is the plan? We try to win every meeting. Be it a national championship or a cup. After all, we have serious tasks.

Alexey Shevchenko

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