“Only three newcomers?” Few!"

Dynamo Moscow football players met with fans. Ruslan Pimenov refused to have an affair with a fan, and Igor Semshov refused to kiss the club's emblem. The situation was saved only by Victor Tsarev.

The meeting was about to begin, but the stage was soloed by Viktor Tsarev. It was not possible to interrupt him. He spoke about a generation of winners:

- We had 5 gold medals, 3 silver and one bronze.

There was applause. Tsarev was not enough:

- And they ask me - why did some play for 12 years, but did not win medals? I answer them: whoever worked how got it.

It turns out that real capitalism was in Soviet times. If you do not take into account that in other years the refusal to join the club was fraught with troubles associated with the deprivation of freedom of movement.

Tsarev, feeling the support of the audience, continued his excursion into history:

- And after the defeats, we were sometimes afraid to go out. Fans were waiting for us there. One of the players escaped through the south stand.

The KGB, it turns out, no one was afraid. Or they understood that you could not run away from the podium. But fans of Dynamo buzzed joyfully.

“Finish it,” the club’s press attaché whispered to Tsarev.

“Two more minutes,” the veteran waved off.

Two minutes later, the players were invited to the stage. They began to occupy the rear chairs in three rows.

- Why are you hiding something? - came from the audience.

- Relocated! someone shouted.

The first row dared to occupy only Pimenov, Karpovich and Semshov. It turns out that they have nothing to lose.

- Danny, come on! - there were calls.

But the Portuguese did not go.

Introduced newcomers. Mike Andrei Karpovich handed Tsarev. He hugged the newcomer and walked over to the microphone. The second act began:

“Look at our veteran,” Victor Tsarev pointed to the veteran. - All his attackers were afraid of him. And you?

The veteran looked at the rookie with some disdain.

- When you get out of the tennis ... pah, football arena, - Tsarev could not be stopped, - you will see the golden words of Yashin. Remember them.

Pimenov was handed a T-shirt by another man. But Tsarev again intervened.

“And you,” he looked Ruslan up and down, “you have to score 15 goals and get into the USSR team ... pah, Russia.” Got it?

Pimenov nodded. Arunas Klimavičius was not told any words. Apparently, Tsarev did not know anything about him at all. Or the words are over.

- And what, only three newcomers? - disappointedly extended from the audience. - Few.

The team’s general director Dmitry Ivanov hastened to assure that they bought everyone they wanted. There is money, and acquisitions will be in the summer.

Questions began from the Internet.

“In 2002, you said that you could meet a fan,” one girl wrote to Ruslan Pimenov. “Do you still think so today, or were these just beautiful words?”

There was clearly hope in the girl’s question.

“We need to look at the binder,” Ruslan muttered.

- So will you meet or not? - insisted Andrei Kuzenkin, press officer of the club.

Apparently, he had a personal interest.

“Now, no,” answered Ruslan, having substantially reduced the attendance of games in blue and white.

They asked questions and not about personal life.

- To whom will you dedicate the UEFA Cup, which you will win with Dynamo? - asked Danny.

“Grandchildren,” they shouted from the audience.

They began to laugh long and disappointingly. The club management and those who lead the team in the next 20 years were especially uncomfortable.

- And you will kiss the Dynamo emblem, as once torpedo? - asked Igor Semshov.

Andrey Kobelev even turned to accurately hear the player’s response.

“It's too early,” Igor answered gloomily.

Many people reasonably believe that this year the Dynamo emblem will generally remain un kissed.

Alexey Shevchenko

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