“Why is there no Pettai in the reserve?”

The meeting of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union was quite lively. Firstly, everyone was discussing the verdict to Guus Hiddink, which was passed by Dutch justice. Secondly, a discussion unfolded on the judicial issue. The policemen also distinguished themselves. They asked for money.

Probably everyone who was at the meeting joked about the fact that Guus Hiddink was given suspended sentences for six months. Except, of course, Vitaly Mutko, for whom this situation is rather unpleasant. But Yevgeny Giner, learning about the verdict, grabbed his head and began to laugh, almost hitting the table. Fortunately, I caught myself on time.

Work began with an important message from the head of the RFU. He uttered it in a solemn voice, which had announced at the time the appointment of a new Secretary General:

- Russia joined the Charter for Mass Football.

Mutko even paused, waiting for applause. But by and large, no one listened. Everyone studied the documents.

Such indifference has warped the president. And he issued another piece of news:

- Officially confirmed that the Champions League final will be held in Moscow. On the natural field of Luzhniki.

Giner reacted first. He laughed again, acquired Sergei Shavlo, who was sitting next to him, and whispered something to him.

“We will prepare,” the army leader said then, struggling with bouts of laughter.

Shavlo sat gloomy. Who knows if he will complete the final of the 2008 Champions League? Spartak director did not support the joking tone of his neighbor. And it looked natural, taking into account the results of the last Spanish voyage.

Regarding the poor (now certainly not very rich) Guus Hiddink, the RFU President spoke cautiously:

- We will support Gus. It is not a question of ending relations with him. But we will certainly meet and talk. And we'll see.

You might even think that in the power of Mutko to dismiss the national team coach ...

Introduced the new youth coach Boris Stukalov. For some reason, the most active parliamentarian Draganov was here. He bombarded the specialist with strange questions. Apparently, in order to later tell friends about his influence on football processes.

Still gloomy Sergey Shavlo asked Stukalov to send calls to the players in advance.

- And you, in turn, send data on the players, - answered Stukalov with a surprise attack. - So that we can compare later.
It seems that the words of Valery Gazzayev about the detrimental effect of the national teams on club results have settled down in the subcortex of the coaches of all national teams.

The most interesting number of the program was a speech by the head of the College of Football Referees Sergey Zuev.

“I'll come out of here,” he looked down, standing near Mutko.

“But,” the president besieged Zueva. - To the barrier!

He pointed to a special tribune.

“Good,” Zuev dutifully sighed. - There will be something to rely on.

It became clear that he was counting on leaning on Mutko.

“We have added Sergey Andreev and Alexander Kabakov to the list of recommended matches for servicing the Premier League,” Zuev began.

- They are very promising ...

- Wow promising! - the former head of the CFA Nikolay Levnikov filed a replica. - For what, recall, in their time, Andreev was removed?

“For a little offense,” Zuev blushed.

- Wow offense! Exclaimed Levnikov triumphantly. - He received a deuce in the semifinal of the Cup of Russia five years ago.

“But so much time has already passed,” Zuev shrugged. - Why not give a new chance?

Here Yevgeny Giner joined in the controversy.

- And why aren't there even such arbiters in the reserve as Kulalaev and Pettay? - he went on the attack on Zuev. “We spoke about this yesterday.”

“We talked about something else,” the CFA leader objected. “Not about that.”

“I do not want to discuss,” Giner admitted. “But remind me of the conversation.”

Inexplicable disputes began, the general meaning of which was that Pettaya should have been included in the reserve, and not included. Probably still included. This was made clear by Zuev, who, after the performance, walked to his chair rather uncertainly. PFL President Nikolai Tolstoy added fuel to the fire. He was opposed to having some of the ousted judges work in the first division.

Many were waiting with interest for a statement by the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a story about how security will be provided in stadiums. The speech of the policeman was banal and devoid of specificity. By the middle of the monologue, it became clear that in conclusion he would ask for money. And so it happened. Now, according to the policeman, it is necessary to create at the expense of clubs some kind of structure protecting the order.

Giner did not remain silent here either.

- Can you ask any questions? he specified.

“Any,” the Interior Ministry spokesman answered hastily.

“I’ve found out from our fans how they carry fires,” began the president of CSKA. - So they said they give five hundred rubles to a policeman.

“Not accepted,” the speaker from the rostrum stopped him. - This replica is not accepted.

Giner smiled artistically.

It seems that the police will remain with their former sources of income.

Alexey Shevchenko

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