Ivan Sayenko: “We enjoy a place in the table with the whole team”

Forward of “Nuremberg” and the Russian national team, who took a double in the Bundesliga Sunday match against “Bochum”, told Sport Today about the offense against Amsterdam and compared the club and the national team for which he plays.

- “Nuremberg” with your help wins the second match in a row. Tag in the UEFA Cup?

- The bosses did not set such a goal for us. Because the whole team enjoy the fifth place in the table. It is guaranteed to be promoted to the UEFA Cup, and this cannot but inspire.

- Do your bosses have no ambitions? That is, if “Nuremberg” in the end will be the tenth, the club will not be particularly worried?

- No, we are very upset. And the leadership too. After all, if there is such a chance, it is necessary to use it.

- What gives the Bundesliga club getting into the UEFA Cup?

- In Germany, in each club they know in advance what the final place will bring. Firstly, a decent income from broadcasting games in Europe. Secondly, UEFA pays the club prizes for reaching the main draw of the tournament. Well, and thirdly, players receive bonuses from sponsors - not without it.

- And the champion of the Bundesliga with the tenth, it seems, attempts will become Schalke?

“I have no doubt about that.” Schalke is surprisingly rational this season. He wins those matches in which he is obliged to win according to the tournament situation, do not allow misfires. According to my observations, teams with such a game usually win the championship.

- Even “Werder Bremen” with its performance is not a competitor?

- It so happened that every Schalke player plays better this season than in the past. They grew up as soccer players, although the club did not make major purchases.

- What do you think happened to Bayern this season?

- She started not bad, but then there was a series of failures, pressure went on the coach and players from the leadership, fans, the press. I can imagine how difficult it is for the guys there.

- What do you think about the last coaching resignations?

- As for Magat, I was surprised: two years ago he would have been allowed to finish it. Well, everything is clear with Thomas Doll from Hamburg: the club went down so low that the coach could not avoid being fired.

- Frankly: did the double with anger - after the defeat of the Russian team?

- From Amsterdam he returned not evil, but with resentment. Because 1: 4 - the score is not the case. After the first half, everything was under control. No one expected us to let in so much. In Germany, before the match with Bochum, I thought that Holland is one of the strongest teams in the world, and we did not come out against them, that the whole team, except me, was only from the training camp. And now I have to play with some “Bochum” - well, what is “Bochum”? And immediately it became easier. The insult passed, he remembered the words of Hiddink, which he said last year: that we are young and we have a great future.

- By the way, the composition of Nuremberg is also quite young ...

- Yes, in this respect it can be compared with the Russian team. There are many football players in Nuremberg who are 22-24 years old. And there is also potential that is important not to lose. And the coach who believes in us. In general, it looks like a team.


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