Roman Gerus: “I don’t know anything about contractual matches”

Rostov football players are preparing for the season in Turkey in very harsh conditions. They are not visible at the hotel. And even their Korean colleagues watch their workouts with sacred horror. And the rookie rostovites Roman Gerus keeps secrets of his former club.

“Hello,” one of the Koreans turned to the workers at Rostov. And they froze in surprise. - I was in Russia. In the Zenith. Little by little. At the Lawyer. And I speak a little Russian.

“Ah,” the Rostovites cheered. - Well done.

They distracted them from unraveling some kind of ropes. These were the so-called "gum". On one side, a soccer player is attached, on the other, a tree. And the coach makes athletes do accelerations.

The Koreans looked at these accessories with admiration. They pecked their tongues, tried on ropes and showed each other how to use them correctly. The staff of Rostov watched this somewhat wary: as if they didn’t take anything in the exchange of experience.

“The first time I came across these rubber bands here,” goalkeeper Roman Gerus informed the team's newcomer. - Interesting.

“I hope you didn’t leave Ray for their sake?” Sergey Pavlov, by the way, was very dissatisfied. In the sense that I was counting on you.

- I left for family reasons. A baby is born. I wanted to be closer to home.

- Yes, and probably tired of flying?

- No, not really. If not for the birth of my son, I would not have left the club.

“Luch last year defeated almost everyone on its field. Is it due to the change of time zones?

- Perhaps some influence on rivals was also exerted by long flights. But, to be honest, we were very lucky. Several meetings stretched out in the endings. Plus viewers. All this had an effect.

- And why was everything the other way around on the road?

- It seems to be showing good football. But there was no luck. Everyone said that they played well. But then we miss the goal from Spartak in the 94th minute, then with the army team ... Remember, the game with the army team?

- It's no secret that Luch was called the leader in the number of strange matches.

- Oh yeah! But I did not directly deal with contractual games. Although, of course, I heard conversations about this, I read a lot. But he tried not to pay attention.

- Not even nervous?

- Well, how ... All this worried, of course. But the trainers told us not to read the newspapers.

- So there were agreements?

- We played fair.

- And what did bookmakers behave like that?

- I do not know. I'm not interested in bets. But, of course, I read that the odds on the games of our team either sharply decreased or increased. I can not say anything about this.

- And this strange score 2: 1 ...

- Oh, don't talk. He is tired of us too. We even said: is it really possible to get such an account again? They will write about us again. But this is not on purpose. We were lucky. I say, they pulled many matches in the end.

- Let's get better about your new team. You came from a club that, thanks to home successes, could count on thirty, if not more, points. After all, Rostov will have a harder time.

- And it seems to me that it is the Luch that will be hard to gain points, not us.

- Why?

- The first year in the Premier League, Vladivostok spent on emotions.

- Is Rostov stronger? This is not the case with the OFK game.

- Worst match at this gathering. He is not indicative. We were tired. There are regular and very intense workouts. Nothing worked out. Perhaps the active beginning of the Serbs affected. But we do not always play like that.

- But as?

- Sometimes weave such lace! You look at them from the gate, you’re most pleased. We have a good selection of players.

“Won't you fight for survival?”

- I think no. And then, no conclusions can be drawn on friendly matches. How many times was that the team won all in the offseason, and then poured. And vice versa.

- Then there is no need to win.

- You always play to win. We just need to remember that we are training in Turkey, laying the foundation. This is the main task.

- Sergey Balakhnin is very different from Sergey Pavlov?

- In some ways they are similar. But so far I have the most pleasant impressions of this coach. The only problem is that the team is new. Not adapted yet. Imagine, I have never played together with any of the current Rostovs. About some did not even hear. Nothing, over time, everything will become normal.

By the way, Rostov is quieter in collecting water. Hotel neighbors from the Austrian Sturm in their free time play noisy cards and drink beer. And the players of the Russian team prefer privacy in the rooms. And even disciplined Koreans against the background of the Rostovites look like animators.

They are plotting something in Rostov ...

Alexey Shevchenko, Belek

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