“Where is Evseev going?”

Anatoly Byshovets, the head coach of Moscow Lokomotiv, spoke about relations with Dmitry Loskov and Vadim Evseev. And then, without enthusiasm, he watched the second squad play.

- Well, then, walked away after yesterday? - Dmitry Loskov greeted Maxim Buznikin from Rostov.

He shook his head. In a different setting, the scene could be regarded differently. But at the training camp, the meaning is the same: the classes are painfully difficult. Moreover, the "Rostov".

But the railroad workers are relieved of the loads with the “rubber band” and many other strength exercises (although they regularly practice the barbell at the hotel). On the field, Anatoly Byshovets prefers ball exercises.

- One - uno, two - duo, three - three, - goalkeeper coach Valery Kleimenov either studied Italian himself, or tried to teach Ivan Pelizzoli Russian. He went to the goalkeeper who was lying and on his fingers explained how to count.

Foreign knowledge was not enough, and Kleimenov called Gennady Logofet. He oversees Pelizzoli.

“Tell him to try to catch all the balls,” Kleimenov began. - No, of course, sometimes you need to beat off. But better to catch.

Logofet translated. The Italian nodded.

“And yet,” here Kleimenov mysteriously lowered his voice. - We had a goalkeeper, played in Israel (apparently, it was about Alexander Uvarov - A.Sh.). So, when he shouted “I” at the exits, everyone ran away. Because he once crashed so hard that someone was taken away. So you, Ivan, should play like that.

Logofet interrupted the translation from surprise.

- And if they show him a yellow card? he asked.

- Nothing. They will show, but they will remember everything.

Logofett continued to convey new ideas to the Italian. Pelitstsoli was amused, as if he had been waiting for such permission all these days. And it became scary not only for other people's forwards, but also for the defense of Loko. Will not say hello to anyone.

Diniyar Bilyaletdinov demonstrated a leg seam to partners. Even Dmitry Loskov examined the damage respectfully. Although he saw not so.

- Who are you like that?

“De Jong,” Diniyar said in pride.

He was allowed to attend an individual program. The exercises were simple, and it was not easy to focus on them. A mobile phone came to the rescue. Stretching by sending an SMS was much more pleasant.

This was noted by Anatoly Byshovets. And immediately went to the edge where the footballer is located.

“What if Diniyar runs around the field a bit?” - He turned to the doctor Savely Myshalov.

“Yes, it’s impossible for him,” the doctor shrugged. “He has seams.”

- And what are the seams? Can you run without straining? Can you, Diniyar?

“Tomorrow,” the footballer muttered.

“Nothing tomorrow,” Byshovets smiled. - Now run. Dmitry, follow him.

This was an assignment to Sychev. He wrapped circles all morning training. Bilyaletdinov had no choice but to run. An example of Vadim Evseev is before everyone's eyes.

“Doctor, he’s all seams apart!” shouted Sychev to Myshalov when he and Diniyar ran a circle.

The doctor tensed up. But the alarm turned out to be false.

It should be noted that Byshovets in training is extremely correct with the players. And even at the warm-up he tries to perform all the exercises himself, although he reminds how many years he has been in the game.

“For me, training itself was the worst,” the coach admitted after class. - Rather, the delivery of standards. I thought that I know how to play football. And I was forced to run. Well? See? Scandal I'm with the players?

He was already addressing the journalists.

“Not yet visible,” was the answer.

- And there were no scandals. Even with Evseev we had a correct conversation. But there were no conflicts with Loskov, Maminov and Samedov. You see how I normally speak with Dmitry.

“And you never screamed?”

“No,” Byshovets assured. “And where do Vadik Evseev gather, don’t you know?” At the Torpedo?

- He hopes to stay in Lokomotiv.

- Hm, - Byshovets thought ...

A day was a friendly meeting with a club from the Latvian Daugavpils. It was a weird match. The composition of railway workers was far from weak. But they could not do anything with an opponent below class. Moreover, Byshovets was clearly dissatisfied with those players who, in theory, are obliged to fight for a place at the base. But Celsinho, Zuagi, O'Connor did not prove themselves to be anything.

0-0 - a logical result of boredom with a lot of martial arts. Referee Valentin Ivanov, not without pleasure, showed yellow cards. In one of the episodes, a Latvian player with a run drove into Eldin Yakupovich.

“I hit my stomach,” doctor Alexander Yardoshvili gloomy and ran to the field. It turned out that the Swiss goalkeeper got a foot. But he screamed as if all organs had been injured at once.

- Tin! - Bilyaletdinov sentence excitedly, watching the game. - Have you seen? Tin!

The only highlight of the meeting was the player entering the field with a boxing helmet. On the Lokomotiv bench, they made a joke about twenty minutes, until the guy was replaced. By the way, he could even score, but did not realize his chance.

“So, guys,” Byshovets called in the break of the replaced Maminov and Samedov. “Go to the hotel in my car.” You have nothing to do here. Wind, catch a cold.

- Maybe we'll watch the game? - asked Vladimir.

“No,” the coach answered firmly.

That's the whole conflict for now.

Alexey SHEVCHENKO, Belek - Kadriye

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