Or maybe let the Swedes take the Eurotour?

Thanks to the victory in shootouts over the Czechs, the Russian team took second place at the Swedish Games. That is, for the first time this season, our team was not the first. For the first time, Vyacheslav Bykov lost the tournament as the head coach of the national team.

Of course, there are many excuses and excuses for such a result. For example, the fact that the Swedish stage of the Eurotour had no tournament significance for the Russian national team - participation in the final and first place following the results of four tournaments were guaranteed back in Moscow. Actually, the second largely follows from the first. The composition of our team was far from optimal. More precisely, from his strongest model in the framework of the Eurotour. Moral fatigue mowed Koshechkina, chronic psychological trauma - Zinoviev and Korolyuk. Three main defenders did not come at once: Varlamov, Atyushov and Proshkin. Well, and most importantly - in Sweden I had to play without Morozov, the absolutely best player and team leader.

It makes no sense now to embark on a study of the nature of the absence of such a number of leading hockey players at the last stage of the Eurotour before the World Cup (and the latter, by definition, is key). It just needs to be taken for granted: we had such a composition in Sweden. In any case, his coach determined something. And so, I had an idea what he wants from this selection of players. Naturally, with an eye on the upcoming World Cup. In and of themselves, neither the Swedish Games nor any other principal interest are of any interest.

And what tasks could be solved at the last tournament before the world championship? This, in general, is no secret. Tactical. Breeding. Although the second, maybe a bit late. But that's not the point. If it so happened that not everyone was able to collect, why not work a little more on selection?

What is there, Bykov conjured with tactics, with a third-party look, to be honest, it was not entirely possible. The game principles of the Russian team, it must be said, were established, even under Krikunov. This is a classic 2-1-2 set up with the active work of two attackers in a foreign zone and the regular connections of one of the defense players, usually with a center forward safety net. There is no secret here, and nothing has changed dramatically. A change of pace during the match, or game arrhythmia, looks more erratic (if softer - random) than conceived and worked out. The order in defense and some significant changes, perhaps, did not increase either.

To be honest, there is only one obvious change. Most of the Bulls do not put all four links in turn. That is, certain steps are being taken to develop special teams. Just do not bring any result. In the absence of Morozov, the realization of the numerical advantage is limping on both legs. At the Swedish Games, she simply was absent as such - zero scored, two missing.

In addition, in Stockholm, the Russian team had significant problems with the positional game. Almost all threats to the opponents' gates arose during attacks on the move. This is great for ours. In the game on “pure” ice in Europe they have no equal. Of course, the ice is not “cleared” by itself, this is preceded by a certain preparatory work. But it would be nice to improve the positional game for the World Cup. There really is unlikely to give a roll.

This, we repeat, is only from a third-party perspective. Bykov himself would certainly tell a lot of interesting and new things. But in the comments about tactics he does not apply; he prefers to talk more and more about the mood and mistakes. And what could be the mood in such a tournament? Yes, the most ordinary. The guys came out to play hockey. It’s not even prestigious to speak for a normal person’s team, but it’s just nice (if it’s unbearable, neither the soul nor the body hurts). And so they played. We tried to do what the coaches say. What is there to tune in? Not the Olympics. Not a world championship. Do not play off.

Now about the breeding tasks. Well, seriously hoping that Mirnov or Parshin would be able to earn the right to participate in the World Cup in three matches at the Swedish Games was hardly possible. Moreover, Parshin generally played only one period. As for the more, let’s say, the main players, the struggle for a place in the squad is very concrete. When there are so many applicants for so many places. When there are clear principles and rules of the game. And who can now say how many people will be in the NHL? Bykov, perhaps, determined for himself some modest figure - five to seven people. But the championship is at home. Is there any guarantee that politics will not intervene, as it was in St. Petersburg? If Bykov says that he is, he is disingenuous. Tretiak - all the more. So, if there was any selection work in these games, then it’s very conditional. And to a greater extent, probably for the future.

As Vyacheslav Bykov said after the game with the Swedes, it’s good that they lost. And that match, and the tournament in general. Moreover, to be honest, in the final of the Eurotour, it is even better for the Swedish team to win. After all, the winner of this tournament has never once become the world champion that year. Everything, of course, happens for the first time, and breaking such a tradition is always a pleasure. But somehow calmer somehow.

PS When the Russian team was led by Vladimir Plyushchev, he basically did not summon Andrei Razin to the team. Journalists constantly got him out of this. And in the end, Plushenko invited the striker to the national team at some stage of the Eurotour (Moscow, if memory serves). And Razin, being clearly out of shape, played poorly at that tournament. After which, of course, she was no longer called to the national team.

So, there was a suspicion that a similar case was with Mozyakin. He had a conflict with Bykov, and for the first time he received an invitation from him to the national team. And also played recently in the championship is not very successful. Only Mozyakin was one of the best at the Swedish Games ...

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