“All foreigners are doomed to failure”

Assistant Anatoly Byshovets in Lokomotiv and Olympic champion Seoul Vladimir Lyuty told the Sport Today correspondent about how to get into the Russian top club from the German amateur league.

- Byshovets appointed you responsible for the forwards?

- This is a subjective opinion. Attacks without midfield and defense do not exist. You cannot, say, build a brick house without mortar. One puts a brick, the second kneads a solution, and the third digs a hole under the foundation. Anatoly Fedorovich gathered around himself professionals who played at one time in different lines and can help each other with advice.

- But for the game of forwards Byshovets with whom will he ask?

- Well, yes, from me.

- And you are familiar with the problem of “Locomotive” of the last eight years - the club can not find a good pair of forwards?

- It seems to me that there is no such problem at all. Because the whole team misses and scores. All 11 people must attack, and the same 11 must defend themselves. Any defense player can quickly launch an attack and take the forward one on one to another's goal. I will teach forwards to retreat deeper when needed.

- That is, they will run the whole match back and forth across the field?

- Any field player can score a goal in our team. The beginning and end of an attack is already a matter of tactics, which will be discussed by the entire coaching staff.

- Why, then, all previous Loko coaches frantically tried to find a forward in a pair to Sychev? Isn’t Asamoa Gyan bought for this?

“I haven’t seen this Asamoa in my eyes yet.” He has not come from Italy yet. After the first gathering, all of our forwards have approximately the same chances of getting into the base. And you, as I see it, are fixated on Sychev. Nobody guarantees him a place on the field now.

“Has Gyan not yet signed the contract?”

- I really don’t know who signed, who left - I am not responsible for this.

- But they managed to sign Korchagin.

- Thank you for report. He is a pretty good striker with potential not yet revealed. We need to see more of it in business. I can’t give him a final assessment yet.

- Your coaching experience is limited to the club of the fifth Bundesliga Blau-Weiss?

- Not true! I was also the head coach of the amateur team “Fortune” from Bonn. I had no more work, I only received a coaching license three years ago. “Blau Weiss” was my debut, but I stayed there for only six months. Came in the middle of the season, when the club was in last place, and as a result saved him from relegation to the amateur division. But he left anyway, because the team was doomed - there was no normal infrastructure, youth school.

- “Blau-Weiss” remained in the fifth Bundesliga, but did you go to the fans anyway?

- Yes, I also spent half a season at Fortune. He created an excellent team, she was in second place, leading to the fifth league. In such teams, coaches receive little. In “Blau-Weiss” I received 2500 euros, in “Fortune” - 1500.

- Byshovets said that breeders of Lokomotiv rivals are working faster and are buying players at a higher level. If you fail the selection, will you work with who is?

- Well, what a question! We can already complete the tasks. If we intensify, it will be great.

- I heard that Byshovets was surprised that his return to coaching at a large Russian club was not taken with due delight.

- Time will tell. Maybe there will be no limit to delight.

- And you yourself are delighted?

- Sorry, but who else to trust the big clubs? Byshovets is the legend of our football. You will see who works as head coaches at other Premier League clubs. Why is Byshovets worse than them?

- Imagine the situation: tomorrow one of the Russian top clubs will be headed by Fabio Capello or, for example, Louis van Gal. Will it cause you more delight?

- No, because all foreigners are doomed to failure in Russia.

“And even Dick Lawyer, whose work can be called relatively successful?”

- Let's see if he succeeds or not. Once you have hired a foreigner, you need to give him a Russian assistant to explain how our players work.


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