He came to them, came to them ...

Part of the Israeli public came to the match of Spartak and Dynamo Kiev not for football. And for the sake of one of the richest people on the planet, Roman Abramovich. He was given a magnificent reception.

Eugene Giner drove up to the Blumfeld on a Mercedes. And he drove this beautiful car. Before he entered the stadium territory, pretty girls in short skirts who advertised the products of the general sponsor of the tournament were dispersed from the intended path.

Giner left the car in the middle of the site.

“Park well,” the Hebrew guard called to him.

The president of CSKA nodded and corrected. It was striking that Giner was moving around Israel without any escort. In Moscow, this is impossible to imagine.

If he did not understand the guard (had the right), he would have blocked the entrance to Roman Abramovich. Still the governor of Chukotka has become the highlight of the evening's program for the Israelis. Locals greeted him in the manner of fans, say, Dima Bilan. That is, they naturally squealed, chanted the name and waved their hands in the hope that they would be touched. Not to say that Roman Arkadievich was not happy with the reception. He was pleased, he smiled. If he went on the field and stood there for a minute, many, satisfied with the sight, would not have remained to watch football.

Eugene Giner, meanwhile, was a little skeptical about the match.

- Why did you come? - asked him. - See the opponent?

- I came to support a friend.

And he patted his right hand on the shoulder of Leonid Fedun, who was nearby. The owner of Spartak turned around. He paused for a second, and then shook Giner's hand, for some reason with his left palm. Friends are not welcome that way. However, formally a handshake took place. And this is good.

- For you, the game “Spartacus” and the people of Kiev mean anything? - they were asking Giner.

“Maybe it did.” In the Soviet years, - the head of the army men grinned.

“Give me a pass for the match,” an elderly man, obviously from the locals, spoke to him in Russian as a reminder of those times.

“I only have two,” Giner shrugged. - Look here ...

So, the head of CSKA is not omnipotent. Now we have evidence.

... After the game, Leonid Fedun left the rostrum in a bad mood.

“Upset me Kowalewski,” he shook his head.

Probably, after these words, agent Marco Amelia will again inflate the requirements of his client. Tom and 1.8 million will be few.

Goalkeeper coach Yuri Pereskokov stood at the edge and frowned. He was unhappy with some journalistic note. However, he said that Dmitry Torbinsky complained of a "sudden injection in the foot." But the first inspection showed no serious damage.

Torbinsky was just passing by.

- Dima, what is the matter with you?

- My leg hurts, I can’t step.

Many raised their eyebrows in surprise. The footballer went to the bus, very confidently circling the reporters. And Roman Pavlyuchenko suddenly stopped to talk with them.

“When a goal was scored, I hit on goal,” he insisted emotionally. - Yes, I did. So what?

- And when they asked for a penalty, wouldn’t it be better to finish the episode?

“Probably,” Roman suddenly wilted. - But I have already begun to appeal to the judge.

Egor Titov convinced everyone that he was fouled in the penalty area in the first half.

“There was a penalty, there was,” he insisted stubbornly. “I tell you exactly.”

- And what about the goalkeeper’s game?

- Nothing. I will not say anything about him. Do not need this. You see, there is a Sport Today correspondent. He will write all this.

Titov showed how he would write. And it turned out similar.

Roman Abramovich left the arena in an already familiar atmosphere. They shouted and applauded again. There was a feeling that this is summer Anadyr.

Leonid Fedun, modestly leaving the stadium, glanced to the side where they were making noise, with some envy.

Alexey SHEVCHENKO, Tel Aviv

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