Maxim Chudov: "Our main start is in the relay"

The silver medalist of the biathlon world championship in the pursuit race - about the spurt on the podium, the invincibility of Bjoerndalen and the views on the baton in an interview with Sport Today.

- After the third shooting, you were only the seventeenth, and in the end won silver. With Miracles such miracles happened before?

- And not like that! Biathlon is absolutely unpredictable. Here, after the second shooting, you can go and the twentieth, and then win the race. Success is achieved by one who fights to the end and does not dissolve the nurse.

- In the sprint race before the second shooting, you went better than the schedule of Bjoerndalen, but for a very long time preparing the first shot and then missed twice. Nerves?

- Not in this case. There was a very strong wind. Thought he would quickly subside, so he decided to wait. But ... I stand for ten seconds, twenty, but it does not stop, but, on the contrary, intensifies! And on this route there is oxygen starvation. And if you stand at the shooting range for a long time, the body begins to recover. And because of this, it shakes you. In short, I was mistaken that I began to wait ...

- Already we can assume that the world championship was successful for you?

- It will be possible to judge this only after the relay race, which we must win. This start is the main thing for all the guys. But we can say that in a personal race, I performed successfully. Especially considering that at the last stage of the World Cup in Pokljuka I felt bad and did not even go out to the pursuit race.

- How are you feeling now?

- Normal. About three days before the championship I came to my senses. And I realized that I could fight on equal terms with the leaders.

- Run in the individual race for 20 kilometers?

- Not. I'm getting ready for the relay.

- With the unstable performance of young riders in the individual numbers of the program, our team, as a rule, gathers for the baton. What is the reason for this?

- We have a very close-knit team. Such a concept as team spirit also exists in biathlon. So, in the Russian team this spirit is very healthy and strong.

- Do you like running in a relay race or in personal appearances?

- I love dynamic racing. With the struggle, when you can cut yourself off with an opponent.

- That is, it is more convenient for you to see his back?

“Well, why the back? .. You can run away.” But while catching up.

- Last year, you often handed over to the end of the race ...

- Wrong power distribution. This is all due to lack of experience. This year I almost never make such mistakes.

- Do you work on skiing or shooting more in training?

- The main shooting work happens in the spring. We shoot five hours a day, we don’t even run. And now we are engaged in weapons for fifteen to twenty minutes, the rest of the time we spend on the track.

- What has changed in the team with the arrival of Vladimir Alikin?

- The atmosphere. We treat the coach with great respect and trust. You can talk with him on any topic, and this is very important. Much has changed in the training program. The volume of loads increased, the number of workouts. Previously, we missed them.

- A question that excites everyone: is Bjoerndalen invincible?

- Of course, you need to fight him. But at this World Cup, the Norwegian has an additional advantage: he lives in the mountains, and we compete here in the middle mountains. He is comfortable running.

- The fact that they began to compare you with Bjoerndalen does not make you nervous?

“Why should it make me nervous?”

“Well, to a great deal the obligatory comparison ...”

- Others compare, but we compete. And a person will not jump above his head, no matter who he is compared to.

- Bjoerndalen as an asthma is allowed to use some of the prohibited drugs.

- If he accepts them, then this is unfair. I believe that everyone should have equal conditions. It is quite possible that then others would have come to the fore.

- Have you noticed that over the past two years there has been a serious rejuvenation in the men's biathlon?

- Yes. It `s naturally. The boys grew up 1982-1983 years of birth. They perform better and more stable.

- You chased with them at the youth championships. Which of this age stood out then?

- Resh, Schlesinger, Moravec ... Me too ...

- And who won the most?

- It happened differently ...

- That is, your Bjoerndalen was not among you?

- Unless in the season 03/04. Miracles are his last name.

Eugene STATSENKO, "PROsport" - specially for "Sport today"

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