Wojciech Kowalewski: “It amazes me that Spartak has not yet bought a new goalkeeper”

The goalkeeper of the Moscow Spartak told the Sport Today correspondent about how to relate to Celta and about his desire to stay in the club.

- What are your chances to get in the goal in the match against Celta?

- Khomich and I have the same chance to play from the first minutes. I also participate in training - that means they are preparing me for something. The fact that Dima will be the main goalkeeper, Fedotov did not tell me anything. The season is just beginning, it can still change.

- If Spartak does not pass Celta, will it be a failure?

- We don’t think about it, we don’t even think that we will fly on Thursday. Draw 1: 1 at home, of course, an unpleasant score, and we did not plan to play like that, but we need to understand that Spartak has no need to relax. Last year, we proved that we can win the decisive away match if we are in the right mood. We won against Sporting, which means we will overcome Celta. At the end of the season, it was also physically difficult, as now, when we only play friendly matches.

- Celta are outsider of the Spanish examples, and Spartak is one of the strongest teams in their country. You must have a psychological advantage over your opponent.

- Yes, they are in the relegation zone, but still in Spain, one of the strongest leagues in Europe. Their championship is in full swing, but here the championship has not even begun. They have already reached the middle, and we are only preparing for the new season - is there a difference? And it doesn’t matter who is in the relegation zone and who is the vice champion.

- You watched the match from the bench, and you, unlike those who were on the field, it was more convenient to evaluate the game. Something for themselves noted in the game "Celts"?

- This team plays tightly and aggressively in defense, but fouls a little. The Spaniards play counterattacks very quickly and combine great near our goal. It was after such an exemplary combination that we scored a goal.

- Khomich could save in that episode?

- The blow was delivered from outside the penalty area, no one had time to hit the player. In such situations, the goalkeeper can save, but not always succeed. Could have reacted better. But Dimka is not to blame for the goal, he made no mistakes. Goalkeepers have this rule: if there is no mistake, then it’s not their fault.

- The leadership of Spartak has been dreaming of Amelia, Hildebrand since the beginning of the year, now there is information that they want to buy Silvio Proto from Anderlecht. Are you annoyed by this news?

“No, I have a different view of all this.” It amazes me why so much is said, written, negotiations are really underway, but there is no result. It turns out that all these conversations are only hypotheses. No goalkeeper was signed - why should I twitch? Management may try to buy anyone. You are welcome! If they have such a desire, let them search, but I cannot forbid them.

- Yesterday, Spartak’s press attaché Vladimir Shevchenko said that Fedotov did not promise you an iron spot at the base. But they say that it is because of this promise that you remained in Spartak.

- This is bullshit! I did not say that Fedotov promised me the first number. Only a madman could say such a thing. In football, no one owes anything to anyone. I don’t understand who attributed these words to me .

- He also said that the question of your departure from Spartak remains open.

- I do not want to leave the club and do not think about it. There was an offer from Holland, but I did not dare to accept it. I want to stay.


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