The Last of the Mohicans

His face is as if carved from stone. In the eyes - the unquenchable fire of Chingachgook, who went on the warpath and was not going to turn off it. However, appearances are often deceiving, and the oldest NHL player Chris Chelios, celebrating his 45th birthday today, is not as harsh as it seems.

They say dinosaurs became extinct when they believed that the main thing in natural selection is not victory, but participation. The Olympic principle is no stranger to Chris Chelios, the participant of the four Winter Games, but the Detroit defender has not yet been fed up with victories on the ice rinks. Moreover, the path there of a descendant of Greek emigrants turned out to be very exotic. At the age of fifteen, the boy left his native Chicago and flew with his family to ... Australia. Who knows what games Chelios would play now if his father’s pink dreams of business on the Green Continent had not stumbled upon black and white reality?

Seven months later, the future resident of the Hockey Hall of Fame returned to the American continent and settled in Southern California. Not a good starting bridgehead, but a blind chance once again helped the kid. He began to get tired of motley amateur leagues in which losers put beer and pizza to the winners when he once met the right person on the beach. He was enthusiastic about the young man and gave the phone number of the advanced Moose Joe College in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

The first Stanley Cup came to Chelios in 1986, when he defended the colors of Montreal. Then his teammate was a rookie Patrick Roy, who in many ways predetermined the sensational triumph of the Canadiens. Holding a silver bowl over his head, Chris rejoiced along with the others, unable to drive away the seditious thought: "Wow! It turns out it's so simple." Alas, life has proved the opposite. Happy days at Montreal gave way to workdays at Chicago, where our hero was exchanged for Denis Savard, the current head coach of the black hawks. In a new place, Chelios was perhaps the only real chance to win the Stanley Cup for the second time, but in the main final of the 92nd, “Pittsburgh” was stronger.

Only ten years later, already in the form of “Detroit”, Chris was lucky to drink champagne again ... Nobody knows if the winding path of life will lead to the third triumph. In any case, do not rush to give a negative answer: there are not many fighters in the league who also diligently maintain their physical form. According to Chelios's sincere admission, the only dope he is currently using is the Gummy Bear vitamins, which are lying on his children's desk. Everything else is achieved through grueling workouts and a strict diet. He loves mountain biking and can't imagine summer vacations without surfing in California. No extreme, just easy gliding along the waves and one-on-one communication with the ocean. At heart, Chris remains the same romantic as she did three decades ago. From the vast expanses of his soul, as before, unfolds and experiences a truly otherworldly delight.

Another Chelios hobby - bobsleigh - almost became the main sensation of the Turin Olympics. It’s a joke, but the legend of world hockey was seriously thinking about transferring to its four Greek friends! We met at the previous Winter Games, in the cafe of the Olympic Village of Salt Lake City. We talked, argued, and the defender, who did not want to join the US national team in his favorite sport four years later, thought: why not? The very first trainings showed that going down the mountain on a sled is not child's play, but hard labor. Having not enjoyed the frequent upheavals and ramps at a speed of about a hundred kilometers per hour, Chelios effectively ended his career as a bobsledder, returning to the Minor League to Motor City Mekaniks.

An urgent return to Detroit was also required by the business. The veteran family owns a wide network of restaurants, and Chris is used to keeping his finger on the pulse of employees. He is flattered when his subordinates share family problems with him; it is pleasant when people like Michael Jordan take seats at the tables. You can list celebrities with whom Chelios is friends for a long time, but the three closest are the Hollywood star John Cusack, the leader of the Pearl Jam rock band Eddie Vedder and the musical idol Detroit Kid Rock.

He met the first old-timer of Red Wings as a teenager. Chris is not a fan of the girls' love stories, in which Cusack stars, but tries to find a week or two for a joint holiday in Malibu. Vedder is a buddy hanging out on California beaches and having fun before both became stars. For almost a quarter century, they did not communicate until they were repeatedly introduced to each other by the notorious Dennis Rodman. More than one evening flew past the memories. Kid Rock is a controversial person in the world of show business, a feverish hurricane at all parties, but at the same time he is a Friend with a capital letter and with a huge kind heart. If you need to hold a charity golf tournament or raise funds for sick children, then it is the first on the list of organizers.

The restaurant business is an excellent alternate aerodrome for a professional who is living a century. However, if you tell Chelios about this, you run the risk of running into big trouble. The fact is that today's birthday boy does not plan to end his career in big hockey ... At least for now. He is not one of those brave guys who like to blow all the newspapers about their intention to retire as winners. Chris lives on today and does not hesitate to admit it.

“Tomorrow? I’m trying not to think about it. What will happen, it will be,” the last NHL dinosaur said a couple of weeks ago. “I will leave my favorite game only when it ceases to bring me joy or when I become a burden for the team. How about break the record of Gordy Howe, who remained afloat in the strongest league until the age of fifty-two? To be honest, this is unlikely to happen. Although I’m not saying that I can’t do it. Gordy paved the way, which means the day will come and there will be a man, stepped a step further. If I turn out to be them - great. If n um - I have nothing to complain, because there’s a long way to go.

Vladimir BYCHEK

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