Nar Zanolin: a matter of respect

The FIBA ​​Europe Secretary General clarified for Sport Today the nuances of the relationship with ULEB.

“I was waiting for this question,” the general secretary answered broadly to the informal request of the correspondent to comment on the escalation of the conflict between the two governing bodies of European basketball at a press conference after the “Final Four” of the Russian Women's Cup. The scandalous interview of ULEB President Jordi Bertomeu and the recent statement by FIBA ​​Europe , which accused its competing partners of violating the agreements, made all concerned. Slovenian Zanolin, personally responsible for the restructuring of all continental tournaments under the auspices of FIBA, for a large audience repeated the main points of that statement, only specifying that the list of violations of the contract with ULEB 2004 was violated so often by the Union of European Basketball Leagues that the list of claims takes three pages. Whereas FIBA ​​Europe strictly observes all the terms of the agreement. And he noticed that the next round of negotiations is inevitable.

“I feel that you have more questions,” Zanolin said after a press conference and explained the nuances of the problem to readers of Sport Today for half an hour, forcing RBF President Sergei Chernov to eagerly shift his legs in anticipation of a foreign guest in the corridor of USK CSKA. Below is the most interesting of the conversation.

- ULEB achieved some success in organizing tournaments ...

- What success? The NBA Europe Live tournament did not live up to expectations. It was in Moscow at the CSKA match with “Clippers” there was a stir. But in other countries this was not.

- But the clubs continue to strive for ULEB tournaments ...

- When, after a pause, I returned to the governing structures of FIBA ​​Europe, in 2002 we set about rebuilding the European Cup system. By that time, we were three years behind ULEB, and we still did not have a set of the strongest teams on the continent. Nevertheless, our tournaments are alive and popular. But the success of the Euroleague is not so obvious. When this project was started, sponsors allocated 50 million euros for it. This year, the Euroleague has only one sponsor, giving 13 million euros. The television show of the top tournament also leaves much to be desired. Last year, the Final Four was held in Prague, but Czech television did not show it! Yes, what Czech. Even in Spain, in the homeland of ULEB, the situation with broadcasts is not the best, in France they are close to zero, in Germany - below zero. Unless in Italy, SkySports does a fantastic job.

- And yet you are ready to give ULEB more freedom in action?

- Everything can be agreed. Now our colleagues are holding Eurocup tournaments on behalf of FIBA ​​Europe.

- Attempts to organize other matches or competitions without your participation are obviously not so much a violation of the agreements as disrespect on the part of the partners?

- There are certain laws for holding international matches that regulate the process. To hold, for example, a meeting between the Russian and Czech teams, it is necessary that the federations of these countries be informed. To organize the Euroleague team fights in China, you need to contact us, and we will notify FIBA-Asia about this. Our agreement stipulates that ULEB manages tournaments with the participation of 48 teams, and any move beyond means introducing into someone else's zone of responsibility.

- Perhaps, bypassing the FIBA ​​stage, in ULEB they were afraid of some prohibitions or financial requirements on your part?

- Drop it! How could we refuse? We would chop the branch on which we sit! After all, we would be accused of not wanting to popularize basketball. As for money, we do not earn them in European competitions. We understand that this is not possible at the moment. Unlike ULEB, a basketball player who makes money, FIBA ​​makes money to play basketball. We hold competitions because clubs need them, we began to hold youth European championships at three ages every year, because this is necessary for the development of basketball. And we are making progress: until recently, 163 teams participated in the younger ages, and in 2007 this number grew to 215!

And the source of our income is Eurobasket. For two weeks we earn a budget for the next two years on it! National teams are much more interesting to the public. Judge, 5 thousand spectators go to CSKA in Moscow. Another 20 thousand will watch the game on TV. And how many people want to see the national team? Millions! In Spain, 76 percent of viewers watched the World Cup finals. Can you imagine? Indeed, with the current abundance of television channels, even a 20 percent rating is considered huge!

- In general, do you consider the current turmoil more likely a manifestation of disrespect than a violation of agreements?

- Disrespect and going beyond one's own competence. After all, the same NBA Europe Live was organized as if in secret from everyone. The Spanish Basketball Federation found out about him when they called from the French “Villeurbanne”, the German Basketball Federation learned from the leadership of the Cologne arena, and Sergei Chernov from the press. Our partners from the NBA, starting a business, received a promise that all the formalities with us will be resolved. But this did not follow. Honestly, surprised. After all, I consider the leaders of ULEB Jordi Bertomeu and Eduardo Portelo to be my friends. They are thinking and honest people.

“Are you going to discuss everything with them?”

- Negotiations are required. But their specific dates are not yet available.


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