
Following Fernando Cavenaghi, who left for Bordeaux, Sport Today recalls other eminent legionnaires of the Russian championship who did not play at the expected level and went home for a much smaller amount of compensation.


Dynamo Club Moscow Where they bought Porto, for 16 million euros Where they sold Atlético Madrid, for 9 million euros

Vice-champion of Europe in the Portuguese national team, a classic central midfielder with a range of actions “from free-kick to free-kick”, with a clever pass and a goal. It was hard to believe in the appearance of a really cool, albeit middle-aged player in the Russian championship. When Maniche agreed to put on a blue and white uniform for the sake of millions of Fedorychev, not only Dynamo fans rejoiced. However, the mess that reigned in the Moscow club soon discouraged Maniche from wanting to fight alone on the field (at first this happened), and then gave rise to a desire to save his own career at all costs. After a local scandal, Maniche was already leased to Chelsea, and six months later they were melted “meet” into Madrid's Atletico. In Spain, the midfielder was not lost, but in the latest news about him, they reported on drunk driving and being late for training.


Dynamo Club Moscow Where they bought Porto for 10 million euros Where they sold Atlético Madrid for 4 million euros

The best right-back and winner of the European Championship came to Dynamo with a much greater reserve of optimism than his colleagues. In all interviews, Seytaridis did not hide his admiration for Russia and the terms of his personal contract. A quick injury only benefited the outgoing football player - he instantly made friends with the Greek basketball diaspora in Moscow. Yurkas never had a chance to play football in Russia: at first he did not have a chance to join Dynamo, but soon his desire disappeared. Caught in the same Atletico Madrid, Seitaridis turned into a stable base player, but lost in usefulness.


Dynamo Club Moscow Where they bought Porto, for 4 million euros Where they sold Atlético Madrid, for 2 million euros

On the football karma of the Portuguese defensive midfielder, the affair with Dynamo affected the worst. Before the blue-and-white epic, Koshtinya had regalia similar to Maniche and was not much inferior in talent, but in Russia, finding himself in a not-so-pleasant situation, he began to be rude - both on the field and outside it. After a brutal violation at Bystrov in a match with Spartak, Kostinho was disqualified for three matches. After serving his sentence, Coshtinha did not play ten minutes - an injury. The season for the Portuguese ended, and at the winter training camp of Dynamo, he quarreled with Semin and was excommunicated. Many perceived the sale of Coshtinyi to Madrid as personal luck - he left too negative an impression. In Atlético, Coshtinha is a reserve player who enters the field once every two matches.


CSKA Club Where they bought River Plate, for 3.8 million euros Where did they sell PSV

Probably the only miscalculation of the selection service of CSKA for the last two years. A young Argentinean, a graduate of River Plate School, appeared in Moscow at the same time as Daniel Carvalho and spent the first season with the Brazilian in the infirmary, then on the bench. However, the army leadership patiently waited for the adaptation to end - and now Carvalho became the leader of CSKA, and Ferreira ... gave way to the main staff of Yuri Zhirkov. The Argentinean often lacked the strength to "plow" the entire left brow, and he did not differ in performance. Although Ferreira became the formal owner of the UEFA Cup, his role in the victory is minimal. It was sold in PSV, now playing at home.


Spartak Club Moscow Where did you buy Boca Juniors for 3.5 million euros Where did you sell your rental for six months at Boca Juniors

The bald left wingback, arriving in Moscow from Buenos Aires, immediately won comparisons with Roberto Carlos. However, it turned out that neither the phenomenal speed nor the cannon strike of the Brazilian Rodriguez has - he can just run and just beat. His connection to the attack was usually devoid of the last pass and cost Spartak several goals in their own goal. However, several times the risk of the Argentine was justified, and his adventurous manner of playing impressed many fans. Nevertheless, Vladimir Fedotov, who even proclaimed himself the coach of the “most fun team in Russia”, considered it best to temporarily get rid of Rodriguez.


Club “Wings of the Soviets” Where they bought “Celta” Where they sold They graduated from a career

A Brazilian with a Spanish passport, nicknamed Red Crab, came to Samara from Celta, where he once scored and even set a couple of club records. He also noted in Russia - he scored the very first goal of the 2004 season. But it soon became clear that chasing a long dollar (under the contract he was supposed to get a million a year), the striker from Spain arrived absolutely "dismantled", in fact, ending his career. Katanya never took on a game form, but participated in several “automotive” stories - he was stolen from the radio twice, and he was fleeing from the Samara traffic cops.

Fredy Bareiro

Club "Saturn" Where they bought "Libertad", for 2 million euros Where they sold the rental for six months in "Libertad"

The forward of the Paraguayan club "Libertad" in the homeland has consistently scored more than twenty goals per season, but in Russia he quickly lost his scoring flair. His fate is more reminiscent of the rest of the Cavenaghi - except that much less money was paid for the Paraguayan. But the essence is the same: the scorer, accustomed to the easy-to-pass South American defense, limited himself to three or four goals per season and missed a lot of the most accurate moments. And in exactly the same way, the leadership was in no hurry to part with it - during training Bareiro gave all the best and, according to the current coach of Saturn Weiss, “looked much better than lazy Brazilians.” It is possible that Fredi will return.


Spartak Club Moscow Where Danubio was bought for 1.5 million euros Where did Atletico Madrid sell

The best defensive midfielder in Latin America in 2003 and the best footballer of Uruguay appeared in Spartak on the initiative of Andrei Chervichenko. The then president of the red and white was hoping to at least partially make up for the loss of the disqualified Yegor Titov. But Sosa recovered for a long time after an injury, did not get into the squad, and soon he even declared that without a wife and children he was too lonely in Russia. And he left - of course, in the Madrid “Atletico”. That's how it all began ... Now he plays not somewhere, but in River Plate.

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